Full Council Meeting


July 19th 2022


7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Agenda for Parish Council meeting – 19th July 2022

1. Apologies for absence

2. Declarations of interest on any agenda item

3. Declaration of gifts

4. Dispensation

To consider any requests for dispensations relating to agenda items.

5. Public forum and County Councillor report / update

6. Chair’s Announcements

7. Clerk’s report / update

8. Approval of the minutes from previous meeting:

a. Minutes of the previous full Council meeting: To approve the minutes of the Full Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 28th June 2022.

b. Minutes of the Staffing Committee meeting: To approve the minutes of the Staffing Committee meeting held on 11th July 2022.

c. Minutes of the previous Planning Committee meeting: To approve the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 28th June 2022.

9. To note matters arising from the previous meeting

(i) Play Park swings: Due to the commitments of the appointed contractor the Council is being asked to consider appointing Outdoor Play People to supply and install the swing frames in the Tractor Park – see agenda 12c.
(ii) Payroll Service provider Standing Order: The payroll provider has notified the Clerk that from April 2022 the costs should have increased from £25.00 + V.A.T. to £30.00 + plus V.A.T. The provider has agreed not to charge for the undercharge from previous months, but future invoices will be at £36.00 (£30.00 + V.A.T.)
(iii) Cleaning of Play Park equipment: Tamar Clean have been appointed. A contractor application form and copy of the Companies’ Public Liability Insurance has been provided.

10. Traffic & Transport

a. Notes from recent meetings: To receive the notes from the TEAMs meeting held with Cormac and Aecom representatives on 14th June 2022 and the notes from the Traffic & Transport meeting held on held on 13th July 2022.

b. Hounster Hill Feasibility Study update and proposed amendments: Update from the Chair on the current position of the study and to consider the Traffic & Transport Group’s recommended amendments of the Hounster Hill Feasibility Study.

c. Bolllards on the Corner of King Street / Fore Street: Noting the comments received from Cormac Highway’s Manager, does the Council support the request from the property owner to install bollards on the corner of King Street. (See communication received via CC Kate Ewert)

11. Finance

a Council’s bank balance: To note the Council’s bank balance
b Finance report: To review the Clerk’s Finance report.
c. Bank reconciliation: To note the completion of the bank reconciliation reports.
d. Monthly payments: To note payments made since the last meeting and to approve the payments as presented by the Clerk.
e. Standing Order payment to One Less Worry: To approve the Standing Order payment, from August 2022 to March 2023, to One Less Worry of £36.00.
f. August payments
(i) Subject to works being approved by the Clerk, in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair the Council is being asked to pre-approve a payment of £900 to Tamar Cleaning for the cleaning of the play park equipment in the Tractor Park [Minute 30a(iv), 28/06/2022)
(ii) To approve payments to be made by the end of August 2022, not included on the agenda, but which fall under Financial Regulation 6.4 “If a payment is necessary to avoid a charge to interest under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 or the due date for payment is before the next scheduled Meeting of Council, where the Clerk and RFO certify that there is no dispute or other reason to delay payment, the Clerk may (notwithstanding para 6.3) take all steps necessary to settle such invoices provided that a list of such payments shall be submitted to the next appropriate meeting of Council and approved under section 30 of the standing orders”.

12. Asset & Open Spaces

a. Asset & Open Spaces meeting held on 13th July 2022: To receive the notes from the meeting and to note the appointment of the Chair of the group.
b. Recommendations from the Asset & Open Spaces Task Group:
(i) Tree works in Millbrook cemetery & the recreation park: To approve the quotation, as recommended by the Asset & Open Spaces Task Group.
Tree Survey Report produced by Evolve Tree Consultancy on 30th June 2022 https://millbrook-pc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/2021.07.02-Evolve-Tree-Consultancy-Survey-report.pdf
(ii) Queen’s Canopy Jubilee Plaque for the commemorative garden: To approve the purchase of a Queen’s Canopy Jubilee Plaque from the Royal British Legion.
c. Play Park swings: To consider the quotation from Outdoor Play People for the supply and installation of the swing frames in the Tractor Park.
d. Skatepark maintenance repairs: To consider the quotation for skatepark maintenance repairs.
e. Goalpost backing board / mural: To consider the quotation from First Glass Decking & Windows.
f. Disabled parking bay: To consider the costs and to agree a budget and contractor for the creation of a disabled parking bay(s) in the Village Hall car park.
g. Motorcaravan parking in West Street car park: Does the Council wish to consider the provision of year-round recreation parking for Motorhome stopovers, known as Aires, in
West Street car park? (See link for CAMPra UK, provided by a parishioner).
h. Disposal of asset: To consider the communication from the Clerk regarding the donation of the dance floor. (See circulated email from the Clerk – further update to be provided in the meeting).
13. Policies and procedures
a. Staffing Committee: To approve the Staffing Committee Terms of Reference and to note the appointment of the Chair of the Staffing Committee.
b. Traffic & Transport: To approve the Traffic & Transport Advisory Group Terms of Reference and to note the appointment of the Chair of the Traffic & Transport Advisory Task Group.
c. Asset & Open Spaces: To approve the Asset & Open Spaces Task Group Terms of Reference and to note the appointment of the Chair of the Asset & Open Spaces Task Group.
d. Memorial Bench & Tree policy: To review the Asset & Open Spaces Task Group’s recommended changes to the Memorial Bench & Tree Policy and to approve the policy.

14. Grants, donations, and community support

a. Millbrook Scouts: To consider the funding request from Millbrook Scouts towards the costs of a funding trip in August, being organised in conjunction with The Good Food Project and the Lynher Barge CIC

b. Millbrook Meet up / Community Hubs: To budget to contribute towards Millbrook Meet up events.

15. Climate & Environment

a. EV Charging:
(i) Update on progress to date: Report from Cllr Mattholie,
(ii) Energy Supply: To consider approval of the Meter Operator agreement (MOPcontract) with Great Annual Savings for the energy supply for the electric charging points
(iii) Licence for alterations: To approve the licence for alterations (minor works) agreement relating to the West Street Car park between Cornwall Council and Millbrook Parish Council.
b. Climate engagement training and mentoring: To review the correspondence and consider participating in the City, Town and Parish Council training and mentoring on public participation in climate decision making.

16. Correspondence and matters to note

For information only, a list detailing correspondence received since the last meeting and up to the date of distributing the agenda for this meeting, is provided as an appendix to the agenda, and will be circulated with all supporting information.
If any Councillor or member of public requires further details, please contact the Parish Clerk.

17. To resolve that pursuant to section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and the Local Government Act 1972 S100 (2) the public and press be excluded from the meeting because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

18. To consider the recommendations from the Staffing Committee meeting held on 12th July 2022, to include the staff recruitment and employment terms and conditions.



Karenza Heald
Parish Clerk / RFO