Local Services
Village Hall
Millbrook Village Hall has three rooms of varying sizes and capacity available for hire. The hall is run by Millbrook Village Hall Management Committee.
For further information please visit the Millbrook Village Hall website.
Bookings can be made by contacting the hall booking officer - Millbrookvillagehall@gmail.com
For information and forms relating to the application of funding and grants for works/projects held within the parish.
Working for the Council - Contractors
Contractors wishing to work for the council may complete an online form to make an formal application to the council.
Transport & Travel
Information on all public transport operating throughout the Millbrook Parish.
Car Parking
Information about parking facilities and how to apply for resident's permit.
Mental Health
Your mental wellbeing is just as important as looking after your physical wellbeing. Here we have listed a range of useful resources to help keep you on track, help you recognise the signs and support you when you need it most.
Use of Parish Council Land or Property
Opportunity for local companies to request license for use of Parish Council Land or Property.
Graveyard & Cemeteries
Information regarding the local graveyards and the process to appeal for right of burial.
Lake & Park
Millbrook is fortunate to have a marvellous 17 acre green space, in the centre of the village.