Car Parking

Parking Services & Information.

The Council manages and provides parking at two locations – the Village Hall car park and the West Street Car park.

West Street Car Park Resident’s Permits

Parking permits for residents can be obtained on application to the council by submitting the form below. Allow 7 working for your application to be processed. Payment is required by BACS transfer to the following account:

Millbrook Parish Council
Unity Trust Bank
Sort Code 60-83-01
Account number 20433576

Please enter the reference PP and your surname e.g “PP-SMITH” when you make your BACS transfer to allow us to match payment with your online application form.

Once we receive confirmation that payment has been made your permit will be issued. Please note our data protection and conditions of use below in the information section below the form.

Please note the vehicle registration number is required to process the application.  Permits are not transferable unless indicated*

*At the full council meeting on Tuesday 17th January 2023 minute reference 119i(iv), it was agreed that up to three vehicles registered at the same address could be added to each pass. If you require more than one vehicle to be added to your permit, please email Karenza and Jo at or call 01752 823128.

Please note: Although the permit can be used by up to three vehicles it can only be displayed in one vehicle at any given time.  If you require multi cars, for the same household, you will need to purchase more than one permit.

Parish Council Office – Summer opening times: Due to low staffing levels, the office opening times to the public have been reduced over the summer. Please call 01752 823128, or email: to make an appointment. to collect your permit.

  • (e.g. Council Tax Bill, Water Bill, etc.)
    Max. file size: 1 GB.
    Choose 6 months - £50 or 12 months - £100
    Please note: Monthly payment plans will begin at the permit commencement date. Therefore, an annual permit paid monthly will incur fees only for the first 10 months.
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY

Please note if you have committed to pay in instalments it is important you set up a Standing Order.  If you do not keep up with the payments your permit will become invalid.

Data protection

  • The information you provide on this form will be held by Millbrook Parish Council and used by us to process the allocation of Resident Season permits for West Car Park and for enforcement action (via Cornwall Council).
  • Your information will not be used for any other purpose by Millbrook Parish council and will not be passed onto any other third party without your permission.
  • In accordance with Millbrook Parish Council’s Retention Policy, the information you provide on this form will be retained for a maximum of one year after the expiry of the permit, after which period it will be destroyed in a secure manner. Electronic data will be maintained in a secure manner.

Conditions of use

  • The permit must be prominently displayed immediately behind the front windscreen.
  • The permit allows parking only at West Street Car Park.
  • Parking is only allowed during the period shown on the permit.
  • Responsibility for renewal of this permit rests with holder.
  • This permit does not guarantee a parking space within West Street Car Park.
  • The permit must only be used for the vehicle(s), person, household and/or business to which it is issued.
  • Millbrook Parish Council accepts no liability in respect of loss or damage to any vehicle or the contents of any vehicle.
  • Photocopies or alterations to permits are not allowed.
  • Failure to display a valid permit or meet the terms and conditions of issue and/or use may result in the issue of a Penalty Charge Notice.
  • All vehicles must be legal and roadworthy, otherwise permits & tickets will be invalidated and the owner may be fined by enforcement.
  • If you have committed to pay by instalments and do not keep up with your payments your permit will become invalid.