Planning applications and decisions

Mar 17, 2021 | Community News, Council News

Millbrook Parish Council publish planning applications on our website.

On 16th March 2021 the Parish Council held a virtual Parish Council meeting

3 agenda items were considered for statutory consultee comments.

Two of the planning committee members were unable to attend the meeting.

One of the members declared an interest on item 7 of the agenda.   Details of this application are set out below:
Application: PA21/01190
Proposal   : Outline application for construction of a dwelling with all matters reserved.
Location   : Land on The South Side of Higher Anderton Road, Millbrook, Cornwall
Applicant  : Mr J Powell

As Cllr Lewis had declared an interest and only two councillors remained in the meeting, the meeting was deemed inquorate for this item and voting could not take place.   The two remaining Councillors, Cllr Roberts and Cllr Wood discussed the item.   Both Councillors agreed there were strong safety concerns relating to access of the site and the building would overlook the neighbours.  It was agreed the Chair of the Council would highlight the application and reasons why the committee was not able to make a statutory consultee comment in the main Council meeting under Chair’s announcements.

Public comments on the application can viewed on Cornwall Council’s website.

For information on how to respond respond to  any current planning applications on Cornwall Council’s website click on the link below:

If you scroll down the page there is a video which shows you how to make a comment online.  The page also gives “Issues that are considered relevant in planning decisions”.

You can comment by using either of the following methods:

  1.  Use the online planning link –
    Before doing so you need to register with an account
  2. By email to
  3. By letter to:
    Planning and Sustainable Development
    Cornwall Council – planning
    P O Box 676
    TR1 9EQ






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