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#Plymouth Together
Millbrook Parish Council’s thoughts are with the families and friends who lost loved ones on Thursday evening. Plymouth City Council will hold a one-minute silence at 11am Monday 16th August. We would also like to echo Plymouth City Council’s statement giving special...
Southdown Road – Resurfacing and patching works
Cornwall Council Highway Maintenance Scheme Tuesday 13th September until Wednesday 22nd September 2021 For enquiries relating to this scheme please contact [pdf-embedder...
Street cleansing
Information relating to Street cleansing Millbrook is a Zone 2 location, therefore cleansed on a 6 – 8 weekly schedule, however if any location falls below Grade B in respect of litter and detritus between the scheduled cleanse this can be reported on 0300 1234 141 or...
Section 137 grant funding
Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 gives the Council the power to “incur expenditure which in their opinion is in the interests of and will bring direct benefit to their area or any part of it or all or some of its inhabitants……..” Section 137 was amended by...
Closure Intention – Higher Anderton Road, Millbrook
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 S.14: Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Cornwall Council have requested to close the following road(s) to carryout works to their apparatus. If you have any queries regarding these works please contact the Utility direct on the number...
Closure Intention – St Andrews Street, Millbrook
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 S.14: Temporary Prohibition of Traffic South West Water have requested to close the following road(s) to carryout works to their apparatus. If you have any queries regarding these works please contact the Utility direct on the number...
It’s your community survey
"I am doing my final project at uni and it is about representing all voices in the community and I am hoping to ask a range of people from where we live a few questions and then create visual responses from these answers which will go in an exhibition to be shown in...
Proposed resurfacing scheme for Southdown Roundabout
The Council has received notification from Cormac Surfacing regarding a proposed resurfacing scheme for Southdown roundabout with a few additional areas along Southdown Road. To complete this work Cormac would need a complete closure of the roundabout. This obviously...
Damage to a picnic bench
The Council would like to thank the parishioner who reported a damaged picnic bench to the Council and thank you to Cllr Wood for repairing the bench. Someone was seen kicking the bench on Sunday evening (13th June 2021) around 6pm. The benches have been put in the...
Millbrook Lake
The Parish Council is continuing to investigate ways to provide more security for the ducklings around the lake. The idea of laying brash in the water needs approval from the Environment Agency because the Lake is a flood defence. We will be asking the EA for...
Jump box installation – update
Due to circumstances beyond the control of both the Council and the contractor, Twisted Metal Art, who was appointed to undertake remedial work and modification to the jump box situated in Millbrook Skate Park, there has unfortunately, be a delay in completing the...
Community grant funding
If you are part of a community group and would like to apply for grant funding please complete this application: Grant funding application form word version Grant funding application form pdf version The Council will not fund: - Individuals or appeals supporting...