Full Council meeting


November 16th 2021


7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Millbrook Parish Council Full Council meeting:

Tuesday 16th November 2021 at 7:30pm in Millbrook Village Hall

Supporting information

1.   Apologies for absence

2.   Declarations of interest on any agenda item

3.   Declaration of gifts

4.   Dispensation

a. To note the requirements for requesting dispensations and to agree future procedures.
b. To approve any dispensations relating to declarations of interests on agenda items.

5.   Public forum and County Councillor report / update

6.   Chair’s announcements

7.   Approval of minutes from previous meetings

a.       To approve the minutes of the full parish council meeting held on 16th October 2021.
b.        To approve the Staffing Committee minutes for the meeting held on 17th August 2021.

8.   General Power of Competence

To confirm that the Council meets the eligibility criteria to exercise the General Power of Competence and resolve to adopt the power.

The Parish Councils (General Power of Competence) (Prescribed Conditions) Order 2012 – explanatory note.

When a council spends money, it must consider whether it has the legal power to do so.  Section 137 is referred to as a power of last resort. It has been recommended to the Clerk that having met the conditions of eligibility, as defined in the Localism Act 2011 and SI 965 ‘The Parish Council’s (General Power of Competence) (Prescribed Conditions) Order 2012, to adopt the General Power of Competence.

9.  Finance

a. To note the Council’s bank balance
b. To review the Clerk’s finance report
c. To note payments made since the last meeting and to approve the payments as presented by the Clerk.
d. To note the Clerk’s 2022-23 budget report, which includes recommendations for the 2022-23 precept submission. (Finance Committee meeting set for 18th November 2021)
e. To approve the transfer of funds raised for the skatepark project to the new bank account set up by the ‘Millbrook Skatepark Project’ community group.
f. Does the Council agree to set up a Direct Debit of £25.00 for the Council’s hosting fee?

10. Climate Change, Environment & Sustainability

a. To consider the purchase of printed ‘Rame Green Guides’ from Maker with Rame Parish Council.
Please see copy circulated to all councillors.  Note this version is a  low resolution pdf (not the final artwork).
b. Report / update from Cllr Mattholie on EV Charging.

11. Grants and donations

a. To consider the grant funding application of £300 from St Germans & Area Public Transport Group for contribution to an electronic and paper transport survey.
b. To consider the grant funding application of £1,200 from Millbrook Short Mat Bowls for the purchase of a replacement bowling mat.
c. To note the preliminary approach for funding from Rame Peninsula First Responder Team.

12. To consider proposal from the owners of a property in Dodbrook.

Does the parish council support, in principle, loss of two parking bays in West Street car park, which would require permanent easement, allowing the owners of a property in Dodbrook to access a proposed new development? (see supporting information which shows a map detailing potential opportunity of additional parking spaces, on land owned by Cornwall Council).  https://millbrook-pc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/AI12_Proposal-from-the-owners-of-a-property-in-Dodbrook.pdf

13. Co-op’s proposed move to Pete’s Garage.

a. To note Instinctif’s community survey report in respect of Co-op proposal to relocate to Pete’s Garage, The Parade, Millbrook.
b. Does the Parish Council, in principle, subject to planning permission, agree to (i) an increase in the width of the opening of Greenland car park (from New Road) by approximately 1.4m and a rounding of the kerb line on one side (ii) changes of the height restriction barrier to be either removed or removable to enable Co-op’s lorry to reverse on to the delivery area. (See correspondence and plans from the director of Roundchase, Co-op’s developer partner).


14. Policies and procedures

To note the communication received from Cornwall Association of Local Councils highlighting the NALC legal guidance note confirming that information held by individual
councillors or council employees in non-work personal email accounts (e.g. hotmail and yahoo) may be subject to the 2000 Act if the information relates to official council business and to agree procedures.

See page 2, Point 5: relating to changes to the Joint Practitioners Guide 2021

P61, 5.169: New section on emails from the Joint Panel on Accountability and Governance Practitioners Guide March 2021

15. Asset & Open Spaces

To consider the recommendations from the Asset & Open Spaces Working Group:
a. To review the notes from the Asset & Open Spaces Working group and to note actions in progress and outstanding.
b. To approve the Asset & Open Spaces Working Group recommendations regarding the tender for the grass cutting contract.
c. To approve the recommended quotation for the creation of a path in Millbrook cemetery.  Quotations circulated
d. To approve the recommended quotation for tarmac patching in Greenland car park. Quotations circulated.
e. To note the recommendation regarding the cutting back of the trees along Southdown Road. Update from Cllr Taggart and Cllr Wilton

16. Christmas

To agree a budget for a Christmas tree and lighting in the tanyard and to consider hosting a Christmas event.

17. Correspondence and matters to note

This list is for information only but if any Councillor or member of public requires further details, please contact the Clerk.

  • NALC: Chief Executive Bulletins, Election survey, online events
  • CALC: Petition for a change in the Localism Act 2011 for the re-introduction of sanctions to disqualify or suspend councillors for serious breaches of the Code of Conduct.
  • Cornwall Council newsletters
  • ICCM bulletins
  • Rural Services Network Bulletins
  • St Germans and Area Public Transport Users Group: Upcoming railworks.
  • Information on recycling of Tetra packs from Cornwall Cllr Barry Jordan: confirmation that Tetra packs will not be recycled by Cornwall Council in the new contract.
  • Cornwall Gateway Community Network Panel – Focus Session on Health and Care by Teams on 11 November.
  • Planning training for Local Councils: Getting design right now and setting our ambitions for the future – 30 November: 9.30-10.30 am.
  • Community Network Panel: Highway Schemes.
  • TQ Quality, re large vehicle turning up West Street from King Street: “Thankyou for your enquiry regarding one of our delivery vehicles, and I appreciate the frustration that this may cause you. Unfortunately our vehicles cover vast areas of delivery from one vehicle each day, covering up to 20 drops a day around various villages and towns and whilst I would like to use smaller vehicles, not only to benefit residents but ourselves for running costs etc it’s just not practical as I would need to increase the fleet three times over to accommodate.”
  • Cormac Highways: Email from Will Glassup, Highways Manager reference the Gully Sucker cleansing schedules / reporting of blocked drains.
  • Transport User Voice & BSIP’s: Transport Focus Newsletter.
  • Trees cut back along Southdown Road: The trees at the back of the park and tennis courts were cut back on the road side recently. I was surprised when the tractor started to do this without any notice because branches started to fall across the road and many still look as if they might fall. Many branches look hacked and need more tidying as they look sharp and vulnerable.
  • Cormac: Email from a member of public raising concern over ivy causing damage to trees.
  • A member of public: Objection to Co-op’s proposals to relocate to Pete’s Garage due to concerns over: parking, access, overlooking the resident’s property, overshadowing neighbouring houses, if the elevation is raised, the asbestos roof, noise and mess from the building and refurbishment work.
  • Barclays van at Millbrook Football Club
  • Cornwall Council: Reported defective manhole / drain cover in West Street fixed.
  • Millbrook Village Hall: Minutes of Millbrook Village Hall Management Committee.
  • Freathy Chalets: 30 remaining leaseholders of chalets at Freathy will be prevented from renewing their leases in 2027 without a large uplift in ground rent well in excess of RPI.