Full Council Meeting


October 18th 2022


7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of interest on any agenda item
3. Declaration of gifts
4. Dispensation – To consider any requests for dispensations relating to agenda items.
5. Public forum and County Councillor report / update
6. Chair’s Announcements
7. Clerk’s report / update
8. Approval of the minutes from previous meeting:
a. Minutes of the previous full Council meeting: To approve the minutes of the Full Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 27th September 2022.
9. Finance
a Council’s bank balance: To note the Council’s bank balance
b Finance report: To review the Clerk’s Finance report.
c. Bank reconciliation: To note the completion of the bank reconciliation report – September 2022.
d. Grants & donations & Fundraising report: To receive the Clerk’s report detailing information on grants and donations the Parish Council has awarded during the last three years.
e. Monthly payments: To note payments made since the last meeting and to approve the payments as presented by the Clerk.
(i) The list below includes payments made since the last meeting which were not included on the payment listing from the previous meeting.
(ii)  Payments to be processed
(iii) Payment made to Outdoor People: To note the payment made to Outdoor Play People was quoted on the payment listing as £5,299.00 inclusive of V.A.T., but the agreed amount (46c, 19/07), and the amount paid was £5,299.00 plus V.A.T.
10. Car park spaces – West Street Car park
To consider the request from the property owners of Dodbrook, adjacent West Street Car Park, (planning application PA22/04318 approved with conditions), to purchase five car park permits and reserve the spaces and to agree charges.
11. Climate & Environment – Electric Charging Point
A TEAMS meeting took place on 12th October 2022 with Pod-point, Cllr Mattholie and the Parish Clerk
a. EV Charging Point tariffs: To consider the recommendations from Cllr Mattholie regarding the Electric Charging dual charging tariff (see supporting information)
b. EV Charging Point Surge protection: To approve the quotation, £905 + V.A.T., from Pod Point, for the surge protection to be supplied and installed in line with the new amendment to BS7671:2018 Amendment 2:2022.
12. Traffic & Transport
a Traffic & Transport Advisory Task Group meeting notes: To receive the notes from the Traffic & Transport meeting held on 13th October 2022
b Traffic & Transport Advisory Task Group recommendations: To approve the Traffic & Transport Advisory Task Group’s recommendations from the meeting held on 13th October 2022.
13. Christmas and Events Working Group
a Christmas & Events Working Group meeting notes: To receive the notes from the Christmas & Events working group meeting held on 10th October 2022.
b Christmas and Events Working Group meeting recommendations: To approve the recommendations from the Christmas & Events meeting held on 10th October 2022.
14. Millbrook Skatepark Project Group (an unincorporated community group)
a. Update on Millbrook Skatepark Steering Group meeting from Cllr Beadnall
b. Update on Millbrook Skatepark Project’s Crowdfunder – as at 13/10/2022 the total is £41,661
c. To receive the accounts from Millbrook Skatepark Project group
d. To receive a report from the Parish Clerk on the history of Millbrook Skatepark, publicity for the skatepark project and consultation.
Millbrook Skatepark maintenance during 2020 / 2021
e. Does the Council agree to apply for planning permission for the proposed skatepark and to fund the planning fee costs? (see correspondence from Cornwall Council’s planning officer)
15. Policies and procedures
a. Christmas & Events Terms of Reference: To formally approve the Christmas & Events Terms of Reference (originally circulated last month).
b. Millbrook Parish Council training policy: To approve the Council’s training policy (last reviewed 19/10/2021)
c. Millbrook Parish Council Lone Worker policy: To review the Council’s Lone Worker policy. (last reviewed 15/02/2022)
16. Council maintenance
a. Council maintenance equipment: To approve a budget for the purchase of a cordless sander and discs.
17. Community Network Review: To review and consider a response relating to Cornwall Council’s Community Network Review: The Future of Cornwall’s Area Partnership.
18. Millbrook Business Park
To review and consider a response on the consultation of Cornwall Council’s property asset.
19. Correspondence and matters to note
For information only, a list detailing correspondence received since the last meeting and up to the date of distributing the agenda for this meeting, is provided as an appendix to the agenda, and will be circulated with all supporting information. If any Councillor or member of public requires further details, please contact the Parish Clerk.
20. Future items for consideration: To put forward recommendations for future consideration at Full Council / committee or working group meetings
21. Closed session
a. Closed session resolution: To resolve that pursuant to section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies
(Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and the Local Government Act 1972 S100 (2) the public and press be excluded from the meeting because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
b. Complaints procedure: To acknowledge the complaint received from a member of the public, to update the Council and to agree next steps