Seating in the Tanyard

Feb 11, 2021 | Community News, Council News, COVID-19 Updates

Government Lockdown relating to meeting others 

It is against the law to meet socially with family or friends unless they are part of your household or support bubble. You cannot leave home for recreational or leisure purposes (such as for a picnic or a social meeting).

  • You cannot leave your home to meet socially with anyone you do not live with or are not in a support bubble with (if you are legally permitted to form one).
  • You cannot meet other people you do not live with, or have not formed a support bubble with, unless for a permitted reason.

Where and when you can meet in larger groups

There are still circumstances in which you are allowed to meet others from outside your household, childcare or support bubble in larger groups, but this should not be for socialising and only for permitted purposes.  A full list is available on the

Public seating in the Tanyard

Picnic benches

Following reports relating to large gatherings in the Tanyard, concerns relating to non-compliance of Covid-19 restrictions and advice received from Devon & Cornwall police and Cornwall Council, to minimise the risk of COVID-19 infection through social contact, the decision has been taken to move the picnic benches out away from public use.  We hope residents will understand that public health during this crisis is a high priority.

Fixed seating in he Tanyard

New seating has recently been installed in the Tanyard.  The installation was not scheduled to be commence until after lockdown restrictions.  However, for reasons beyond the control of the Council the installation was completed earlier than anticipated.   Once the Village Enhancement Team are back in operation a planting scheme will be created in the new triangular seating feature.

If you are using the any of fixed seating in the Tanyard please observe social distancing.

Coronavirus (Covid-19) information

For information relating to Coronavirus (Covid-19) support, financial assistance or details on how to report a concern related to Coronavirus rules please refer to the Cornwall Council website

Links and guidance are regularly posted on the Parish Council’s website and facebook page.


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