Planning Committee meeting


January 19th 2021


6:45 pm - 7:30 pm

Communication to Livewest detailed below:

From: Chloe Pitt
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2021 at 08:13
Subject: RE: Affordable Housing in Millbrook: MPC Planning Committee meeting held on 19th January 2021
To: Karenza Heald <>,

Good morning Karenza,

Thank you for your email and for detailing the concerns that were expressed at the meeting a couple of weeks ago.

As discussed, given the points mainly relate to Highways, I have passed your comments on to the Highways consultant who would address the concerns raised as part of his assessment.

Currently we are speaking with consultants in terms of how we undertake a public consultation during the pandemic.

Once we know more details and when / if we can undertake a community consultation event, I will be back in touch.

Thank you for your time and the Councillors, for allowing Anthony and I the opportunity to engage with yourselves.

Kind regards,

Chloe Pitt MRTPI
Planning Manager

From: Karenza Heald <>
Sent: 02 February 2021 08:31
To: Chloe Pitt;
Subject: Affordable Housing in Millbrook: MPC Planning Committee meeting held on 19th January 2021

Good morning Chloe and Anthony

Thank you for attending our recent planning committee meeting. Please find attached the draft minutes. An extract summarising the comments relating to the LiveWest affordable housing is shown below.

The Councillors stated whilst they were in support of affordable housing for local needs, they had the following concerns:

· The transport assessment provided by LiveWest makes questionable assumptions.

· The main access in Millbrook is via a narrow road. A recent development for nine private residential homes has a lot of disruption from HGV vehicles arriving at the site. The pub has been hit 3 times this week and there is extreme concern over pedestrian safety in this area.

  • Access to Millbrook via St John is designated unsuitable for through traffic and has weight restrictions for HGV vehicles.
  • The cliff road has recently been repaired and would not be suitable for excessive traffic.
  • Healthcare and dental care in the area are both difficult to access and require car journeys to Torpoint and beyond, especially as Millbrook Surgery is now rarely open.

Chloe stated a transport management plan could be included in the application, which would detail timing restrictions of deliveries to the site.

Chloe asked the Council to provide any information regarding the community’s aspirations and made a note of the concerns raised by the Council.

LiveWest will be carrying out community engagement and the Council will be included in the consultation process.

Please could you advise when you intend carrying out your community engagement.? I look forward to receiving your response to the Councillor’s comments.

Kind Regards


Karenza Heald
Parish Clerk / RFO

T | +44 (0) 1752 823128