Full Parish Council meeting


September 27th 2022


7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


1.   Apologies for absence

2.   Declarations of interest on any agenda item

3.   Declaration of gifts

4.   Dispensation 

To consider any requests for dispensations relating to agenda items.

5.   Public forum and County Councillor report / update  

6.   Chair’s Announcements

7.   Clerk’s report / update

8.   Approval of the minutes from previous meeting:

a.   Minutes of the previous full Council meeting

To approve the minutes of the Full Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 19th July 2022.

9.   Mayor for Cornwall

To review the correspondence received from the ‘Let Cornwall Decide’ campaign group and to consider the request to pass a motion to lobby Cornwall Council to conduct a referendum for all voters in Cornwall to decide whether there should be a Mayor for Cornwall.

10. Commercial use of part of the Tanyard

To consider the proposal from the proprietor of Weigh to Go requesting use of a section of the Tanyard.


Communication received regarding the proposal – https://millbrook-pc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/AI10-Weigh-to-Go-Community-Feedback.pdf


11. Traffic & Transport

To accept the Hounster Hill Feasibility Study.

12. Finance

a     Council’s bank balance

To note the Council’s bank balance

b     Finance report

To review the Clerk’s Finance report.

c     Bank reconcilation

To note the completion of the bank reconciliation reports.

d     Monthly payments

To note payments made since the last meeting and to approve the payments as presented by the Clerk.


13. Grants, funding and community support

a. The Peninsula Trust:

To consider the funding request of £8,300 from The Peninsula Trust to cover the cost of the local support at the Rame Centre and funding of a crisis grant.

b. Royal British Legion:

To consider a donation to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Fund

c. Millbrook Skatepark Project

To review the communication from the treasurer of Millbrook Skatepark Project and consider the following:

(i)      Does the Council support the preliminary plans for the proposed new skatepark design?



(ii)      Does the Council agree to offer a pledge towards the Crowdfunder 1 project, as requested in the supporting documents?


(iii)     In the event of the successful funds being raised does the Council commit to the ongoing maintenance?

(iv)    Does the Council wish to appoint a liaison representing the Council on Millbrook Skatepark Project’s steering group?

d.   Christmas lighting and events:

To consider the recommendations from the Christmas lighting and event working group.


e.  Asset of Community Value

Does the Council wish to register the Devon and Cornwall Inn as an Asset of Community Value?

14.Asset & Open Spaces

a.Asset & Open Spaces meeting held on 20th September 2022

To receive the notes from the meeting.

b. Recommendations from the Asset & Open Spaces Task Group:

(i)      Bug hotels: To approve the budget for materials and agree the recommended locations for two x bug hotels, to be constructed as a community project led by Robbie Ryder.

(ii)      Hounster Hill container: To consider and agree a budget for the relocation of the container currently situated at Hounster Hill.

(iii)     Cemetery Management: Update on cemetery management procedures and regulations.

(iv)    Play park and skatepark works: To approve a budget for overtime and contractor maintenance for works required in the play park (see report from the Clerk)

(v)     Fencing by the war memorial: To approve the recommendation and agree a budget for metal chain fencing in front of the war memorial.

15.Training and development

a. Lantra – basic tree and inspection course

To consider the quotation and travel expense costs for the Council’s caretaking staff to attend Basic Tree Survey and Inspection course.

b. Brush cutter

To consider the quotation and travel expense costs and for the Council’s caretaking staff to attend brush cutter training.

c. Cemetery Management

To consider the quotation for the Clerk to attend Cemetery Management training.

d. Parish online

To consider the quotation for the Council Office staff to receive Parish Online training.

16.Climate & Environment

a. EV Charging:



a. Committees

To consider the formation of a joint Personnel & Finance Committee, which will meet, as required.

b. Civility and Respect Pledge

To consider passing a resolution to sign up the civility and respect pledge (see documents submitted by CALC)



18.Correspondence and matters to note

For information only, a list detailing correspondence received since the last meeting and up to the date of distributing the agenda for this meeting, is provided as an appendix to the agenda, and will be circulated with all supporting information.  If any Councillor or member of public requires further details, please contact the Parish Clerk.
