October 19th 2021
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of interest on any agenda item
3. Declaration of gifts
4. To approve any dispensations relating to declarations of interests on agenda items.
5. Public forum and County Councillor report / update
6. Chair’s announcements
7. Clerk’s report / update
8. Approval of minutes from previous meetings
a. To approve the minutes of the full parish council meeting held on 21st September 2021.
b. To approve the staffing committee minutes for the meeting held on 17th August 2021.
9. Traffic & Transport
a. Hounster Hill Feasibility Study
To approve the Terms and Conditions and Framework Project Plan summary, to include a quotation of £10,628 from Aecom Ltd, the lead delivery organisation appointed by Cormac Solutions Ltd, to produce a feasibility study.
The study will include a review of previous work undertaken and will look to build upon this when identifying potential measures. The findings of the study will be presented as a technical report.:
The high-level review will focus on the following issues that have been identified:
• The number and class of HGVs passing through Millbrook.
• The speed of all traffic passing through Millbrook.
• The impact traffic is having on pedestrians throughout the village.
• Intelligent systems for freight routing.
b. Rame Peninsula Public Transport Users Group: Update from Cllr S Woffenden
10. Finance
a. To note the Council’s bank balance
The bank balance as at 15/10/21 = £244,669.30
b. To review the Clerk’s finance report
c. To note the internal audit control check has taken place on Thursday 30th September, in the Council office, by Cllr Beadnall and Cllr Wood.
d. To note payments made since the last meeting and to approve the payments as presented by the Clerk.
11. Grants and donations
a. To consider the funding request of £9,726.51 from The Peninsula Trust in respect of grant aid for the Local Support service.
Please find links to:
- The Peninsula Trust: Local Support service – annual budget, reviewed to Sept 2021
- The Peninsula Trust: Grant application form
- The Peninsula Trust: Signed accounts.
- The Peninsula Trust: Local Support Updated Service Report up to end of May 2021.
b. To consider the grant funding application from the Friends of Millbrook Chapel of Rest for up to £1,500, for the refurbishment of the village byre.
12. West Street car park
To review the Clerk’s report and to consider the recommendation from the Finance Committee regarding the resident car park fees and procedures:
The current cost of a resident car park permit is £90.00 per annum. The last increased in fees for an annual permit was in March 2016 (from £85.00 to £90.00).
The Finance Committee has recommended, from the next financial year, the annual permit fee is increased to £100.00, and residents are given the option of setting up a Standing Order to pay 10 instalment payments of £10.00 or quarterly payments of £25.00.
Future permits should include vehicle registration numbers and residents will be required to provide a proof of address, such as a council tax bill.
13. Policies and procedures
a. To approve the Staffing Committee Terms of Reference recommended during staffing committee the meeting held on 17th August 2021. (Minute 4, SC170821)
b. To approve the Training & Development Policy recommended by Staffing Committee minutes for the meeting held on 17th August 2021.(Minute 8, SC170821)
14. Climate Change, Environment & Sustainability
a. Report / update from Cllr Mattholie and to agree next steps regarding grant funding for the EV Charing points.
b. To consider funding towards the Maker with Rame Parish Council’s ‘Rame Green Guide’
15. Training & Development
a. To consider the approval for the Clerk to complete Financial Introduction to Local Council Administration (FILCA), our brand-new Level 2 qualification at a cost of £120.00.
b. Update on Councillor’s code of conduct training.
c. CALC upcoming training: To approve the attendance of Councillors or the Clerk attended training as detailed in the CALC training schedules
16. Asset & Open Spaces
a. Subject to costs, does the Council wish to consider the creation of a tarmac path by the dam.
b. Does the Council approve an additional treatment of Foamstream using the services of Tim Brooks Garden Services at a day rate cost, to include travel of £500? See report.
c. To consider the quotation(s) for cleaning the multiplay equipment in the tractor park
No quotations received – various local contractors emailed. Previous quotation of £1,600 for all equipment still stands.
Tim Brooks Garden Services has quoted £400 using Foamstream, which has said will clean the Algae off.
c. Update on the grass cutting tender process.
d. Update on the license agreement for use of Millbrook Tanyard.
17. Update on communication with the Regional Consultant for Instinctif, a business communication consultancy, regarding a Co-op’s proposed move to Pete’s Garage.
18. Correspondence and matters to note
This list is for information only but if any Councillor member of public requires further details, please contact the Clerk.
- NALC: Chief Executive Bulletins, Election survey, online events
- Cornwall ALC Ltd: Recommendation of Board of Directors
- Cornwall Council newsletter
- ICCM bulletins
- Rural Services Network Bulletins
- The Inclusion Matters Service in Cornwall | Millbrook Parish Council (
- Concern over the possible closure of Saltash Leisure Centre
- Damage to Millbrook Bus Shelter
- Citizens Advice Autumn 2021 Newsletter and redundancy factsheet
- Sustainable Earth Institute partner e-bulletin: September 2021.
- OPCC Cllr Advocates Seminar and Volunteers Day at St Mellion, near Saltash on Monday 8th November 2021.
- Access for new dwelling from West Street car park.
- Abandoned bike in Higher Anderton Road.
- Suggestion of making Higher Anderson Road (the narrrow part) into one-way to reduce the amount of increased traffic round there now (which has been tried near Truro).
- Great Western Railway: Services between Exeter and Okehampton on the restored Dartmoor Line will resume on 20th November this year, the first former line to open under the Government’s Restoring your Railway programme.
- The re-opening of St John Village Hall.
- Coop Member Pioneer: the initiatives and activities that the Coop are promoting and supporting to the community.
- The future of Saltash Leisure Centre: The people living on the Rame Peninsula have lost the swimming pools at Portwrinkle, Whitsand Bay and Tripoint in recent years. Saltash is now the nearest pool and there is no public transport connection to it from our area. The pool is important to local residents of all ages.
- Cornwall Council: Public consultation on the future of leisure services in Cornwall.
- Correspondence from a resident in King Street: I have been speaking today with Will Glassup, who is kindly looking into finding a solution to large, inappropriately long, lorries turning into West Street from King Street and hitting buildings Will has suggested some immediate action that could be considered e.g., signage etc and longer term solutions of restricting the size of vehicles on the Peninsula.
- Instinctif (on behalf of Co-op) reference Co-op’s potential move to Pete’s Garage.
- Cornwall Streetworks Team: Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order for Higher Anderton Road, Millbrook from 27th October to 4th November, whilst works are being executed on or near the road to provide a new water service.