Email received from Citizens Advice – Cornwall, 5th October 2021
Dear Town / Parish Clerk,
Please see the attached copy of the Citizens Advice Autumn Newsletter, which contains important information on how to save on energy costs, how to get help from Citizens Advice in Cornwall and how to volunteer with our charity.
Also attached is our latest factsheet for people facing redundancy as the furlough scheme has now ended.
Any help you can give in circulating this information to your members and public would be very much appreciated.
Citizens Advice Cornwall is also available to give talks online or in-person to groups about our work for the community. Please contact me for more information.
We are also conducting a major public survey to help shape the future of Citizens Advice in Cornwall. If you, your members and contacts are able to spare 10 mins to complete this, they can find it at
Many Thanks and Best Wishes,
Wailim Wong
Communications Officer
Citizens Advice Cornwall