Application for the post of ‘Town Crier’ for Millbrook

Jul 3, 2023 | Community News


Following the sad passing of Clive O’Shaughnessy, Millbrook’s much loved Town Crier for over 10 years, we are now left with the huge task of having to find a suitable and deserving candidate to follow in his footsteps. Clive was a kind and generous man who loved his role as town crier, and in recent months spoke of handing over the role.

If you have good clear diction, the ability to project your voice, a confident, friendly personality, and interested in being Clive’s successor, click on the link to the job description and application form below.

Application Form for Town Crier

Job Description download

Millbrook Town Crier – Job Description

Job Title: Town Crier

Reporting to: The Parish Clerk

Based at: Millbrook.

Job Purpose: To provide Town Crier duties for Millbrook Parish Council

Application Deadline: 9:00am Monday 24th July 2023


Key responsibilities and accountabilities

To liaise with the Parish Clerk regarding all matters concerning your role.

To attend as a priority, when required, events, and functions on behalf of Millbrook Parish Council.

You will be required to attend at a minimum, the following events annually:

  • Black Prince
  • Summer Community Event
  • Christmas Lights Switch On

Other local events:

You may be asked to provide your services at events arranged by other organisations, charities & groups in and around Millbrook and neighbouring towns & villages. Attendance at these events will be at your own discretion, and subject to agreement with the Parish Clerk.

The Town Crier represents Millbrook, the Parish Council, and its residents, and is expected to always maintain a high standard of appropriate behaviour and courtesy when performing duties.

As a representative of Millbrook Parish Council, the Town Crier agrees to comply with the Council’s Code of Conduct Policy

You are required to be clean, smart, sober, polite, and jovial (where appropriate), with good communication skills and a natural ability to connect with all members of the community.

The Crier will be expected to have, or be willing to acquire, a good local knowledge and understanding of Millbrook village and its history.

Millbrook Town Crier is required to write a relevant cry for each event for which they are engaged by Millbrook Parish Council. Approval will be required by the Parish Clerk, prior to each performance. Word limit for cries is 100-200 words. All cries must commence with ‘Oyez, Oyez, Oyez’ and must conclude with ‘God save the King’. All cries must be non-political and non-religious and must be in good taste and in the spirit of the role.

Person Specification

The position of Town Crier for Millbrook is open to all applicants, aged 18 years and over. It is desirable that applicants possess the following personal attributes:

  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Reliable and trustworthy
  • Ability to project voice
  • Strong ties to the Millbrook area

Please be aware that the role requires extended periods of standing.


The role requires the wearing of the appropriate livery. In consultation with the Clerk, the town crier is personally responsible for sourcing the regalia associated with the position, and responsible for its correct upkeep and storage, to keep it in clean and fine appearance when worn. Millbrook Parish Council agreed to contribute 50% of the cost of a new town crier uniform up to a maximum contribution of £1500.

Voluntary position

The post of Town Crier is voluntary and therefore an unpaid role.


It is not obligatory to the role for the Town Crier to have an official escort, however this is at the discretion of the Town Crier. Millbrook Parish Council would not object, but any official escort would be bound by the same terms & conditions as the Town Crier. Any required regalia for an official escort would be the financial responsibility of the Town Crier and/or their escort, and not Millbrook Parish Council.


The Parish Council agrees to include your position within its Public Liability Insurance for Millbrook Parish Council events.

Other Income

Invitations to perform, commercial cries for groups and events within the local area, are both encouraged and allowed, subject to approval from the Parish Clerk.

Fees for such engagements will be negotiated and handled by yourself, and yours to keep. The Parish Council reminds you that such income must be declared to HMRC as appropriate.

The Parish Council reserves the right to refuse permission for any activity which they may consider inappropriate or contrary to the policies of the Parish Council.

The Town Crier is permitted to participate in any Town Crier competitions with prior approval from the Clerk, and to wear the town seals and receive remuneration.


You are encouraged to join the nationwide Ancient and Honourable Guild of Town Criers.  Attendance at competitions, unless at your own expense, should be agreed in advance by Millbrook Parish Council.


The Town Crier whilst in costume with or without seals may not will be expected to abide by the Council’s Code of Conduct.   Any person found by the Parish Council to be in serious breach of any of the above conditions, or otherwise be considered as having brought the position into disrepute, will be immediately removed from the role of Millbrook Town Crier. Any person who has been dismissed by the Parish Council from the post of Millbrook Town Crier, for bringing the position into disrepute, will not be eligible to hold the post at any other time in the future.



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