Information from Cormac Dear all, The following scheme in your area is now open to consultation; Millbrook Vehicle Activated Sign, West Street If you wish to reply on-line, you will need to register to the Consultation Finder system by clicking on the ‘Register Here’...
Grass Cutting & Village Maintenance – Yellow Rattle
Following our public consultation about grass cutting and village maintenance last year, the Parish Council was delighted to welcome representatives from Cormac to take delivery of yellow rattle and other wildflower seeds. Areas of Cormac maintained verge are in the...
Communication from Cormac regarding verge cutting in the lake-side area of Millbrook
Communication from Cormac regarding verge cutting in the lake-side area of Millbrook Cormac cuts the highway verges in the lake-side area, visiting up to seven times a year. During the early summer, when there are wildflowers blooming among the grass, we try to leave...
Cornwall Council/Cormac roadside verge cutting – Millbrook lake-side area
Correspondence from Cormac Environment Cormac cuts the highway verges in the lake-side area, visiting up to seven times a year. During the early summer, when there are wildflowers blooming among the grass, we try to leave areas until the flowers have set seed later in...