MPC Community newsletter – Christmas 2023

Nov 23, 2023 | Community News, Council News

Millbrook Newsletter Winter 2023

MPC A5 Newsletter Nov 2023

Apologies to Millbrook Arts and Craft Club and  Crafters Social Group for missing out their entries for the newsletter which are shown below:

Millbrook Art and Craft Club

The Millbrook Art and Craft Club was founded in 1994. It meets in the Village Hall on the evening of the last Wednesday of each month, to share skills and learn about a wide range of arts and crafts, such as painting, paper crafts, sewing, knitting and crochet.  There is an annual programme of topics for each month, and external facilitators are invited to teach members about specialist crafts.  One meeting each year is devoted to producing items for charity and the club usually enters the Christmas Tree Festival in Millbrook Church with tree decorations made by members.

The Club holds a Craft Fair and Coffee Morning in the Village Hall on the last Saturday of each month, when members can have stalls to sell their work and refreshments are available.  In addition, the Club holds a Craft Fair in the Tanyard on the first Saturday of each month from April to October, weather permitting.

New members would be most welcome, whatever your crafting interest –  beginner or expert –  so please contact for more information.

Crafter’s Social Group

The Crafter’s Social Group meets at 2-4pm every Thursday in Millbrook Village Hall.  Those attending can bring any portable craft to do – art, knitting, crochet, sewing, cardmaking etc –  or just come along for a chat and a cup of tea.   It is a great place to share ideas and skills and there is usually someone who can help with a crafting question or problem.  We don’t have a membership fee and just ask for £2 each week to cover the costs of refreshments and the hire of the hall.  Just come along when you can, and for more information contact



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