Mount Edgcumbe Car Show – Sunday 6th August 2023

Jul 26, 2023 | Community News


  1. Jane Appleton

    The movement of traffic associated with the event has been subject to consultation with and the approval of the Cornwall Council Local Safety Advisory Group. It will follow a similar pattern to that used over the last few years. Those who are unfamiliar with the area, i.e. holiday makers and residents living away from the Rame Peninsula will be encouraged to follow a positively signed route away from the event, through Millbrook avoiding Military Road. Those who are familiar with the area will mostly be aware that the route via Military Road is longer than travelling through Millbrook and by choice will choose the latter on their way home. There will be some who will choose to use Military Road because it is a route with outstanding views and they are not in a hurry to get home.

    In introducing ‘restrictions’ it would be impossible to discriminate between those who don’t need to use Military Road on their way home and those who live in Kingsand/Cawsand who would be massively inconvenienced if they were forced to travel home via Millbrook and Tregantle.

    Military Road is of sufficient width to cater for a two-way flow of car traffic. Care is required on the few times on the Sunday when it is used by buses. The organisers have negotiated a special arrangement with the bus company to run the service in one direction only on the event day. Problems can arise when cars illegally park on the carriageway in contravention of the clearway order. To try to encourage compliance, additional warning signs are erected advising of a £70 fine for causing obstruction.

    After each event a thorough review is undertaken and in this respect feedback and suggestions from outside parties is welcomed in refining the plan for the following year.

    The organisers acknowledge that there will be some disruption associated with this one-day event and a great deal of thought has been given to minimising this as far as possible. We hope that the local residents appreciate the benefit that they gain from the money raised which helps to provide the services of Cornwall Hospice Care and to improve facilities in the free-to-use Mount Edgcumbe Country Park.

  2. Antony Mann

    Why is west bound traffic not being directed away from Military Road. Last year a lot of show traffic left via Military Road causing congestion to people following the east bound diversion.

    • Parish Clerk

      Hello Antony, Millbrook Parish Council are just sharing the information but I am happy to forward your feedback to the organisers.


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