Invitation to Tender – Design and Build of a concrete skate park

Feb 26, 2023 | Skatepark Project

Invitation to Tender Proposals for a Design and Build Concrete Skate Park in Millbrook, Cornwall

To discuss the project in more detail and raise any queries developers are welcome to request a Zoom or TEAMs meetings with the committee.  The tender states a site visit is required, if you have previously visited the site it is not necessary for you to visit again during the tender process. We would, however, urge careful consideration of the existing boundaries and current skatepark and tarmac footprint as we are keen to ensure the entire space is maximised in terms of potential designs.

Reference: MSP/20230221/118c

Deadline for receipt of tender proposals: 27th March 2023.   (Please note the deadline has now been extended by one week)

1. Introduction

Millbrook Parish Council (with assistance from the community group Millbrook Skatepark Project) intends to replace its existing skatepark park with a concrete base facility.

The Council is asking for tenders, which, subject to a satisfactory contract, Contractor availability and any weather opportunity, will agree in spring 2023, with the possibility of work commencing late summer / autumn 2023 and conclude no later than March 2024 (as per funding requirements).

The Council lists below general information and invites interested parties to contact the Council for further information and an opportunity to look at the site.

2. Definitions

“The Council” – Millbrook Parish Council

“Contractor” – any economic operator as defined by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and could be a registered company, the lead contact for a group of economic operators, charitable organisation, Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE), Special Purpose Vehicle or other form of entity.

3. Project information

Millbrook is a village of approximately 2100 people, located on the Rame Peninsula, officially an area of outstanding natural beauty, in South East Cornwall to the west of the river Tamar and the city of Plymouth.

3.1 Site

Grid Reference SX 42672 52521

Applicants will be required to visit the site.

The current skatepark is very well used but has become dilapidated with the ramps rusting (some having been removed, over the last year, for safety reasons)
Other issues are:

  •  Design is now dated and lacking variety
  •  Metal mini-ramp usage has been a source of complaints about noise levels

Therefore, the Council, with support of Millbrook Skatepark Project (local community group) has decided to remove the current skatepark and replace it with a modern solution that better serves the local community.
The new design will be located on exactly the same footprint as the current park.
Note: there is no vehicle access into the skatepark; however, it is possible to gain access for site vehicles through the adjacent field.

3.2. Procurement Procedure

Millbrook Parish Council is seeking to appoint a single Contractor to design & build a skatepark facility for the local community. The information submitted within the applicant’s Offer shall be used by the authority as the means to make a contract award decision.

3.3. Project Objectives

  •  Replace, update, improve and diversify the current wheeled sports provision
  •  Create a safe, inviting space for a wider age and ability range
  •  Increase use of facility, including wider community initiatives
  •  Increase physical activity levels, reduce obesity, improve health, well-being & community cohesion
  • Create an inclusive community wheeled space with special consideration to equality and diversity, to encourage and assist access and use for all
  • Reduce Anti-Social Behaviour
  • Create an aesthetically pleasing design that is unique to the park and distinctive to the Rame Peninsula
  • Offer a range of activities to complement and enhance skating and riding
  • Provide a flexible space that is suitable for a variety of events and activities
  • Instil pride in the local community and foster a sense ownership for the park

3.4. Project brief

Design, consult with skatepark stakeholders, and build a skatepark in Millbrook, PL10 1EH.

The outcome of this tender will be to identify and select a single Contractor to take the project forward from consultation to a final design and a completed installed concrete skatepark, to suit the needs of the local young people whilst taking into account a range of ages, abilities and wheels, e.g. scooters, skateboards and BMX, and also taking account of the site constraints.

The Council does not wish to dictate a single solution, instead we invite tenderers to propose a design that best addresses the Council’s objectives, and the community’s needs for the site. The design should be a hub for activity with a core provision for wheeled sports. We encourage creativity and originality; we encourage the Contractor to provide an impartial and informed solution based on their experience and expertise.

Designs that give consideration to the wider aims of the wheeled sports area as a “community hub”, are encouraged, including considerations of access to surrounding environmental areas, spaces and shelters that are gender neutral and encourage equality and inclusivity of users and participants, areas for art/culture, events and enterprise.

The designs may be refined post-award and following consultation (i.e. engagement with relevant skatepark stakeholders), however, the Council is eager to serve the entire community and any feedback must be considered within the broader context of the site and its history.
Our preference is for a facility that has zero or very minimal maintenance. It is up to the Contractor to propose the right materials and construction methods.

This tender aims to select a Contractor based upon examples of previous work, financial viability, Health & Safety procedures, skills, experience of working with Councils and Community Groups, and expertise to delivering a fully funded project from start to finish within budget.

3.5. Project requirements

3.5.1. Consultation

The Contractor will be required to run a minimum of two consultation events before the works commence. Millbrook Skatepark Project Group will assist where possible, but the consultation must be planned and managed by the successful supplier. The Contractor may be required to attend a community consultation on or after 1st of April 2023.

3.5.2. Removal of existing Skate Park Facility

The existing skatepark must be removed and disposed of by the appointed supplier. This work can be undertaken by a sub-contractor; however, evidence must be provided to prove that they are licensed, competent and if possible, local. The Council is keen to ensure that wherever possible as much of the material of the existing skate park is re-cycled or re-used. Suppliers must include information in their tender regarding what they will do to meet this requirement.

3.5.3. Design Standards

All work to confirm to relevant BSEN standards, Please confirm your adherence by clearly referencing the codes against your design. Any skate and ride elements must conform to BSEN 14974.

A satisfactory post installation inspection, carried out by an established play inspector, will be required upon completion. The safety inspection will be funded from the project budget.

3.5.4 Specification of works

a) Full design including designs for presentation purposes.
b) Full clearance, construction, site supervision and project management
c) Supply and installation of appropriate drainage
d) Supply and installation of appropriate signage
e) Hard and soft landscaping as included in the design
f) Site access and reinstatement works
g)Adherence to the requirements of The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM)
h) Preparation and submission of any necessary plans or documentation required for planning consent

3.6. Added Value

The applicant will be expected to suggest any added value that their offer might be able to bring to the Council. Applicants are expected to build any such offers into their submissions regardless of whether specific questions are asked along these lines or not.

3.7. Performance Management

Applicants should, by way of on-going contract performance, be prepared to produce evaluation documentation during the course of the project build at 4 weekly intervals. The format will be agreed between the Contractor and Council.

3.8. Procurement and Project Timetable

The authority proposes the following timetable for the award of the contract(s):

Procurement Stage Dates
Publication of advertisement Feb 26, 2023
Clarification questions to be submitted by March 10, 2023
Clarification responses to be issued by March 14, 2023
Bid Deadline March 20, 2023
Evaluation March 20-24 2023
Intention to award March 27, 2023
Contract start March 31, 2023

The Council reserves the right to change the above timetable and applicants will be notified accordingly if there is a change.

3.9. Council Representative
Authorised Representative contact details:
Karenza Heald
Millbrook Parish Council
The Village Hall
The Parade
Cornwall, PL10 1AX

01752 823128

Applications to be submitted to:

3.10. Contract Period

It is intended that any resultant contract shall commence as soon after receipt of a formal letter of award as may be agreed and is subject to Planning consent and funding being in place.

3.11. Insurance Levels

3.11.1. Employer’s Liability Insurance
The Council’s minimum requirement for Employer’s Liability Insurance is £10 million
3.11.2. Professional Indemnity Insurance
The Council’s minimum requirement for Professional Indemnity Insurance is £2 million.
3.11.3. Public Liability Insurance
The Council’s minimum requirement for Public Liability Insurance is £10 million

3.12. Project delivery

The contractor will be asked to provide the Council with regular updates relating to the delivery of construction materials.  Due to the infrastructure of the village, the Council’s preference would be that all deliveries are between 9:30am and 2:30pm.  The Contractor should be ensure suppliers and haulage Companies are fully aware of (i) the narrow entrance to the village, at Hounster Hill and the top of West Street (please refer to map and images on pages 10 to 12 on the Hounster Hill Feasibility Study. (ii) the narrow points on junction of Millpool Head / King Street (Grid Reference SX 42336 52090) and the junction of King Street / West Quay (Grid Reference SX 42368 52107) (iii) Millbrook Primary School located in close proximity to the site (Grid reference SX 42292 52282) and is a main route to school is via the entrance to the recreation park area.

A Traffic Management Plan is likely to be a planning condition of the project.

4. Contract value

4.1       The Parish Council is working on a budget assumption of the cost below £250,000.

4.2       Tenders should be submitted in pounds sterling and exclude Value Added Tax (V.A.T.)

Document detailing the above (Millbrook Skatepark Tender 1 to 4 – Background and Project details)

5. Instructions to Tenders

Notes for completion
5.1 “Council” means the public sector contracting body that is seeking to invite suitable suppliers to participate in this procurement process.
5.2 “You”/ “Your” or “Supplier” means the body completing these questions i.e. the legal entity seeking to be invited to the next stage of the process and responsible for the information provided. The “Supplier” is intended to cover any economic operator as defined by the Public Contract Regulations 2015 and could be a registered company, charitable organisation, Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE), Special Purpose Vehicle or other form of entity.
5.3 This Selection Questionnaire has been designed to assess the suitability of a Supplier to deliver the Authority’s contract requirement(s). If you are successful at this stage of the procurement process, you will be selected for the subsequent award stage of the process.
5.4. All documents must be completed in their entirety. The tenderer who is awarded the contract will be required to sign further documents.
5.5 Should you need to provide additional appendices in response to the questions, these should be numbered clearly and listed as part of your declaration. A template for providing additional information is provided at the end of this document.
5.6 By submitting a tender, you will be taken to have agreed that your tender will remain open for acceptance for a minimum of 90 days from the closing date.
5.7 Tenders must not be:
–  Conditional.
–  Accompanied by statements which could be construed as rendering them equivocal and / or placed on a different footing to those of
other tenders.
5.8 If the Council suspects there has been a technical or arithmetical error in the submission, the Council reserves the right to seek such clarification as it considers necessary from the tenderer only.
5.9 All documentation supplied by the Council shall remain its property and confidential to it. Tenders may not without the Council’s written consent at any time use for their own purposes or disclose to any other person (except as may be required by law) the tender or any information or material which the Council may make available to tenderers, all of which shall remain confidential to the Council.
5.10 The Council’s decision on whether or not a tender is acceptable will be final and the tenderer concerned will not be consulted. If a tender is excluded from further consideration the tenderer concerned will be notified.
5.11 The Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest of any tender and shall not be liable for any loss or expense incurred by the tenderer in the production of the tender or as a result of its decision not to award the contract to any tenderer.

Sub-contracting arrangements
4.18 Where the supplier proposes to use one or more sub-contractors to deliver some or all of the contract requirements, a separate appendix should be used to provide details of the proposed bidding model that includes members of the supply chain, the percentage of work being delivered by each sub-contractor and the key contract deliverables for which each sub-contractor will be responsible.
4.19 The Council recognises that arrangements in relation to sub-contracting may be subject to
future change, and may not be finalised until a later date. However, suppliers should be aware that where information provided to the Council indicates that sub-contractors are to play a significant role in delivering key contract requirements, any changes to those sub-contracting arrangements may affect the ability of the supplier to proceed with the procurement process or to provide the supplies and/or services required. Suppliers should therefore notify the authority immediately of any change in the proposed sub-contractor arrangements. The Council reserves the right to deselect the supplier prior to any award of contract, based on an assessment of the updated information.

Supplier questionnaire – pdf.version
Supplier questionanire – word version

Invitation to Tender: Design and Build of a concrete skate park in Millbrook: Appendix A: Assessment 

Invitation to Tender Proposals for a Design and Build Concrete Skate Park in Millbrook, Cornwall – pdf version
Invitation to Tender Proposals for a Design and Build Concrete Skate Park in Millbrook, Cornwall – word version


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