November 21st 2023
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Agenda and supporting information for Parish Council meeting on 21st November 2023
1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of gifts and declaration of interest on any agenda item
3. Dispensation – To consider any requests for dispensations relating to agenda items.
4. Cornwall Councillor report / update and Public Forum – to include
(a) representation from Devon & Cornwall Police – Torpoint Neighbourhood Team
(b) presentation from Patchwork Studios relating to their Youth and Wellbeing projects.
“Patchwork Studios would like to update councillors on the progress of their social enterprise and its wide-ranging community benefits, especially their youth projects centred around tackling rural boredom, isolation, anti-social behaviour and mental health, and their ever-growing wellness programme, empowering local practitioners to positively affect community health and wellbeing.”
5. Chair’s Announcements
6. Approval of the minutes from previous meeting:
6.1 Minutes of the last full Parish Council meeting: To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 17th October 2023.
6.2 Minutes of the last Planning Committee meeting: To approve the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Tuesday 17th October 2023.
7. CCTV: To receive a report from the Clerk and an update on a meeting in the Tanyard with a supplier of security equipment, Cllr Renshaw and the Parish Clerk and an update on discussions with neighbouring properties. To agree next steps including financial implications.
8. Millbrook Skatepark Project
8.1 To receive Maverick Industries’ Health & Safety files for the installation
8.2 To receive an update on communication between Millbrook Skatepark Project group and
Maverick Industries.
8.3 To approve the 2016 Minor Works Building Contract and the committed installation date.
9. Town Crier
To note the request from the required number of Parish Councillors, under Standing Order 7, that the decision made under minute 35, during the meeting held on 20th June 2023, is revisited to discuss the Parish Council’s funding contribution.
10. Finance
10.1 Council’s bank balances: To note the Council’s Unity Trust current account bank balance (to be updated in the Council meeting). To note the funds held on behalf of Millbrook Skatepark Project in the Council’s designated Unity Trust deposit account.
Balances as at 15th November 2023.
10.2. Council’s savings account balance: To note the balance in the Nationwide Building Society Account.
10.3. CCLA Investment Management Fund: To note the September 2023 statement detailing £50,000 in the Public Sector Deposit Fund. (Interest has been transferred to the Unity Trust account).
10.4 Bank reconciliation: To note the bank reconciliation reports for October 2023.
10.5. Finance report: To receive the Clerk’s monthly finance report.
10.6 Budget and precept submission: To consider a resolution to agree that Millbrook Parish Council apply to Cornwall Council requesting an extension until end of January 2022 (after the January Parish Council meeting) for the Council’s precept submission.
10.7 Staff pay: To note communication from Cornwall Association of Local Council relating to the terms of Local Government Association (LGA) agreement on the 2023-24 pay awards.
10.8 Google payment increase: To approve the increase in the Google Workspace subscription.
10.9 Monthly payments: To note payments made since the last meeting and to approve the
payments as presented by the Clerk, included in the list below, and any additional payments presented in the meeting, which can be submitted for approval at the discretion of the Chair.
(i) Payments paid – Standing items / items under delegated authority not included on the previous agenda
(ii) Scheduled payments for approval.
(ii) Payments to be processed before the next scheduled meeting in January 2024
(ii) Payments to be processed before the next scheduled meeting in January 2024
Subject to the Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer consulting with the Chair and Vice Chair, to approve delegated authority to the Clerk for scheduled payments which fall under Financial Regulation 6.4 “If a payment is necessary to avoid a charge to interest under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 or the due date for payment is before the next scheduled Meeting of Council, where the Clerk and RFO certify that there is no dispute or other reason to delay payment, the Clerk may (notwithstanding para 6.3) take all steps necessary to settle such invoices provided that a list of such payments shall be submitted to the next appropriate meeting of Council and approved under section 31 of the standing orders”.
11. Donations and community support
11.1 Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal: To approve a donation in lieu of the cost of a wreath.
11.2 Patchwork Studios: To consider the funding request from Patchwork Studio of £5,000 to re-establish weekly youth music sessions in band development, songwriting, performance, as detailed in the grant application. A document titled ‘Youth Music Lab – Evaluation Report’ was presented to the Council’.
11.3 Defibrillator(s): To receive a report regarding purchase and installation of a defibrillator to be located in West Street and agree financial implications.
11.3 Defibrillator(s): To receive a report regarding purchase and installation of a defibrillator to be located in West Street and agree financial implications.
12. Assets and Open Spaces
12.1 Meeting notes: To receive the notes from the Assets & Open Spaces Task Group meeting held on 2nd November 2023 and to note the appointment of Cllr Renshaw as Chair of that group.
12.2 Memorial bench on Stone Quay: To consider the request for a memorial bench to be located on Stone Quay as detailed on the images presented by the Clerk.
12.3 Proposal for managing the triangular piece of land by the side of the Doctors Surgery:
To consider the proposal from Millbrook Scouts.
13. Climate and Environment:
Electric Charging Point: To receive the report from Cllr Mattholie and to agree actions.
Email received from Onstreetchargepoints – ORCS Project
Actual full project costs: £18,748.53
75% (amount payable): 0.75 x £18,748.53 = £14,061.40
Outstanding payment: £16,290 – £14,061.4 = £2,228.60
You are eligible only to 75% of project costs which is £14,061.40 in this case and not £14,322.
There isn’t a precise deadline for your decision, but it would be good to know whether you’d plan to use the £2,228 as part of the same application, the same contract with the supplier or whether you are planning to use the money as part of the new application with new procurement process.
14. Traffic & Transport
14.1 Meeting notes: To receive the notes from the Traffic and Transport Task Group meeting held on 25th October 2023 .
14.2 Quiet Lanes: Subject to feedback from Cornwall Highways and Neighbouring Parishes to consider support for ‘Quiet Lanes’ on Lower Anderton and Radford Lane.
14.3 Community Speedwatch: To receive information for Community Speedwatch and agree next steps.
Email response from enquiry received:
Thank you for your email.
Community speed watch operates within 20, 30 or 40mph areas. Sites are requested by a team co-ordinator and assessed by police personnel first, to ensure they are safe to use.
The scheme is designed to educate drivers in changing their driving behaviour. Highly visible volunteers operate from safe sites to monitor passing traffic. Those monitored in excess of the speed limit will get a warning letter sent to the registered keeper. If 3 or more letters are generated against a vehicle via this scheme anywhere in D&C policing area, the 3rd letter will generate a visit to the keepers address and the vehicle may be put forward for targeted enforcement activity.
The community needs to have identified 4 volunteers who are willing to start a new CSW team – with one team member willing to be the group co-ordinator.
The co-ordinators role is to register the new group name on and be the main point of contact for the team, they will be expected to request sites for authorisation, arrange monitoring sessions with the rest of the team, and submit the data gathered from sessions.
Community speed watch volunteers, once registered will receive a full speed monitoring kit and will be trained by police personnel in how to use it and operate safely.
More information can be found here:
Community Speed Watch (CSW) – Devon and Cornwall Road Safety Team (Devon & Cornwall Police) (
If you need any further information please do get back to us.
14.4 New Road and Tanyard Corner parking restrictions / Traffic Regulation Order:
To review the communication from Cormac and to consider whether to proceed with the request for a detailed cost estimate for ‘no loading’ restrictions on the Tanyard corner and adjustment to yellow lines on New Road. A ballpark figure has been provided in the region of 8 -10k for the TRO and public consultation and around 10k for construction costs (removal of lining and traffic management, based on a similar scheme recently undertaken).
14.5 Tanyard corner signage: To consider the quotation for replacement signage on the Tanyard corner.
14.6 St John’s Road Pedestrian Safety: Update on proposals and Cornwall Council’s consultation (verbal update from the Chair of the Parish Council).
15. Christmas and Events Task Group
15.1 Meeting notes: To receive the notes from the meeting held on 31st October 2023.
15.2 Christmas Budget: To receive the Clerk’s Christmas budget report.
16. Committees and Working Groups
Staffing Committee: To approve the appointment of Cllr McBain onto the Staffing Committee
17. Subscriptions
Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) – Cornwall Branch
To consider a membership subscription – currently £36.00 per annum.
18. Policies and procedures
18.1 Cemetery regulations: To review the cemetery regulations and to consider an amendment on Cemetery Regulation 9.7, which currently states “ No memorial will be permitted to be erected on any plot until one year after the date of the interment, to ensure the ground is suitably stable.” Recommended amendment: “No memorial will be permitted on any plot until 9 months or longer depending on the assessment of the Council’s caretaking staff or recommendations from Monumental Stonemasons.”
18.2 Environment and Climate Change: Review the Council’s Climate and Environment policy.
18.3 Lone Worker policy: Review the Parish Council’s Lone Worker policy.
18.4 Publication Scheme: Review the Council’s Publications Scheme.
19. Updates / reports from Councillors / Council Officers
Millbrook Village Hall Management Committee – See minutes from meeting / update from Cllr Lewis
20. Correspondence and matters to note (for information only)
21. Future items for agenda: To raise matters for future consideration in full council, committee or working group meetings.