Full Parish Council meeting


March 19th 2024


7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Millbrook Parish Council Full Council meeting
Tuesday 19th March 2024 @ 7:30pm
Venue: The main hall in Millbrook Village Hall
1. Chair’s welcome and announcements
1.1 Welcome, housekeeping and overview of meeting procedures
1.2 Chair’s announcements.
2. Apologies for absence
3. To receive declarations of gifts, declarations of interest relating to matters on the agenda and to consider any requests for dispensations.
To receive any requests for Dispensations or Declarations of Interest from Councillors relating to items on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, and to note any gifts and hospitality (please refer to the notes at the end of agenda).
a. Declarations of interests
b. To consider members’ requests for dispensation
c. Declaration of gifts or hospitality with a value of over £50.00
4. Cornwall Councillor report / update and Public Forum – to include a presentation from The Peninsula Trust
5. Clerk’s update / actions arising since the previous meeting. (The progress sheet for actions agreed in previous meetings is available on Googledrive for Councillors to view)
5.1 Millbrook Village Hall Car Park: To note letters have been sent to the residents of New Road who have property with a rear access backing onto the village hall car park. (Min 164ii)
5.2 Soil testing analysis: Update on communication with  the Council’s insurers and University of University. (Min 157.3)
5.3 Mobility access by Millbrook Surgery: Barrier has been ordered with galvanised and colour finish for effective protection.  The barrier differs from the approved quotation but as the Parish Council is able to reclaim the V.A.T. the order has been placed direct.  The overall cost is within the approved budget (Min 157.9).
5.4 CCTV / Anti-social behaviour: During the Parish Council meeting held on 16th January 2024 it was agreed the Clerk would investigate appropriate signage and other security measures.  Does the Council wish to initiate or promote the formation of Neighbourhood Watch in Millbrook?
6. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting: 
6.1 Minutes of the last full Parish Council meeting: To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 20th February 2024.
7. Use of Council land
To consider the request from Reverend Joanna Northey to organise a children’s Easter trail which will finish at Millbrook Tanyard.
8. Open spaces
8.1 Wild Edges – proposal from Family Foraging Kitchen
To consider the proposal for a new environmental community project for the management of the roadside verges in the community. (see supporting information).
8.2 Tree management report: To receive the tree management report submitted by Enhanscapes and agree next steps.
8.3 Memorial tree: To consider the written request to plant a Pear tree in the community orchard/alongside the lake, near Millbrook Football Club.
9. Millbrook Skatepark Project 
9.1 Community Ownership Funding: Update from the Clerk
9.2 CIL Funding: Update from the Clerk
9.3 Valuation report: To receive Maverick’s valuation report.
9.4 Funds received to date and payments issued: To receive the Clerk’s report detailing skatepark funds paid out to date, funds received and forecasted/anticipated spend.
9.5 Vehicle access to the skatepark: Does the Council wish to reinstate the boulders to avoid parking on the green space by the tennis courts.
9.6 Official event: To note the date, of Saturday 4th May 2024, for the Skatepark Opening event with TEAM Rubicon and agree associated costs.
10. Finance
10.1 Unity Trust bank balance (main account): To note the Council’s Unity Trust current account balance (update to be provided in the meeting)
10.2. Unity Trust savings account (skatepark account).  To note the balance in the Unity Trust account for the skatepark funds.
10.3 Council’s savings account balance: To note the balance in the Nationwide Building Society Account as at 28th February 2024
10.4. CCLA Investment Management Fund: To note the February 2024 statement detailing £50,000 in the Public Sector Deposit Fund.  (Interest has been transferred to the Unity Trust account).
10.5 Bank reconciliation: To note the bank reconciliation reports for February 2024
10.6. Finance report: To receive the Clerk’s Finance Report.
10.7 Monthly payments: To note payments made since the last meeting and to approve the payments as presented by the Clerk, included in the list below, and any additional payments presented in the meeting, which can be submitted for approval at the discretion of the Chair.
(Where applicable, amounts include V.A.T)
11. Play / recreation facilities.
11.1 Annual inspection: To note the cost of the Annual Inspection for the tennis courts and play area comprising 2 x £78.00 (£156.00) + 3 additional items at £4.00 each (£12.00) = £168.00 plus VAT.
11.2 Play Park maintenance: To receive and consider the quotation(s) for improvements on the multiplay unit.
12. Community Engagement
12.1 Spring / Summer newsletter: To receive the notes from the Publicity Working Group and to consider the recommendations for production of another newsletter.   If agreed to (a) agree budget costs, taking into account whether the newsletter should as before be distributed to every household in the parish and (b) whether to again include business advertising and at what charge.
12.2 Annual Parish meeting and Community Engagement Event
To note the Annual Parish meeting and Community Engagement Event will take place on Saturday 11th May 2024 from 3pm to 7pm and to agree a budget.
Local Government 1972c70, Schedule 12: “Every English Parish shall have a Parish Meeting. All Parish and Town Councils throughout England are required by law to hold an Annual Parish Meeting between the dates of 1st March and 1st June (inclusive)”  The purpose of the Annual Parish Meeting is to enable the registered electors to discuss parish affairs and to have a say on anything they consider valuable to the people of the parish. This meeting is also an opportunity for the Parish Council and community group leaders to engage with residents, and to inform them of what the Council has been doing over the past year.
13. Public toilets 
Maintenance Wallgate machine: To receive and consider the quotation from Switched on Electrical of £100.00 to service the Public Toilet Wallgate machines.
14. Climate and Environment: 
Climate and Environment meeting: To receive an update from Cllr S Woffenden.
15. Traffic & Transport
15.1 Cornwall Gateway Community Network Panel (CNP) infrastructure improvements: To consider submitting a comment on proposals listed on the consultation letter from Cormac Solutions Ltd (Infra22-178)
15.2 Hounster Hill / West Street: Update on TEAMs meeting with Cornwall Council’s Programme Development & Delivery Lead.
16. Training
16.1 To approve the enrolment of Councillors and/or officers on Cornwall Council’s online training portal.  Named individuals from town and parish councils can join the hub for £35 per delegate per year (rising to £37 as of 1 April 2024) and access online learning and courses including:
• Digital Skills
• Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
• Health and Safety
• Leading and Managing
• Personal Development
• Safeguarding
• Workplace Skills
• Wellbeing
• Adult Care and Wellbeing
• Children
15.2 Introduction to Neurodiversity: To consider approval for the attendance of Councillors and / or Council Officers at South West Council’s Introduction to Neurodiversity webinar to be held on 9th May 2024.
17. Policies and procedures 
17.1 Planning Committee Terms of Reference: To review and make amendments (Minute 2.2, during the meeting held on 20th February 2024, it was agreed to include an agenda item with  consideration of the flexibility to co-opt Councillors, who have received planning training, to join committee meetings on an ad hoc basis).
18. Updates / reports from Councillors / Council Officers 
18.1 Millbrook Village Hall Management Committee –  Update from Cllr Lewis
18.2 South East Cornwall Community Area Partnership Meeting – Update from Cllr Roberts.
18.3 Maker with Rame Parish Council – update from feedback on business event meeting.
19. Land potential available for development.
To consider a response to Cornwall Council’s ‘Call for sites’ exercise.
20. Correspondence and matters to note (for information only)
21. Future items for agenda: To raise matters for future consideration in full council, committee or working group meetings.
Notes on declarations of interest
Any Member arriving after the start of the meeting is asked to declare pecuniary interests, as necessary, as soon as practicable after their arrival, even if the item in question has been considered. National rules about pecuniary interests are set out in Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 2011 and in secondary legislation made under the Act, in particular The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012