Full Council Meeting


April 18th 2023


7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Millbrook Parish Council Full Council meeting, Tuesday 18th April 2023 at 7:30pm
Venue: The main hall in Millbrook Village Hall

1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of gifts and declaration of interest on any agenda item
3. Dispensation – To consider any requests for dispensations relating to agenda items.
4. Public forum and County Councillor report / update
5. Chair’s Announcements
6. Clerk’s report / update
7. Approval of the minutes from previous meeting:
a. Minutes of the meeting held on 21st March 2023: To approve the minutes of the Full Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 21st March 2023.
b. Minutes of the full Council meeting on 5th April 2023 : To approve the minutes of the Full Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 5th April 2023.
8. Cornwall Association of Local Councils
To approve the continuation of the membership with Cornwall Association of Local Councils.
£761.30  CALC Subscription (Ex V.A.T.)
£137.16 NALC Subscription (Ex V.A.T.)
3% increase on CALC fee
9. Lease agreements for access to the property of 74 Dodbrook via West Street car park
To consider the lease agreement with the property owners of 74 Dodbrook and to agree costs.
Please see agreement. Does the Council wish to add a covenant that this is not done between 21 July and 3 September to avoid the school holidays when it is very busy?
10. Community projects
a. Coronation of King Charles III Community Event: To receive the meeting notes from the Christmas and Event Task Group’s meeting held on 27th March 2023.
b. Millbrook Skatepark Project: Update on funding and next steps.
Millbrook Skatepark Project newsletter entry
c. Black Prince Flowerboat festival: Approval of use of Council land agreement.
11. Finance
a Council’s bank balance: To note the Council’s Unity Trust bank balance (to be updated in the Council meeting).
b Council’s savings account balance: To note the balance in the Nationwide Building Society Account.
c. CCLA Investment Management Fund: To note the March 2023 statement detailing £50,000 in the Public Sector Deposit Fund.
d. Bank reconciliation: To note the bank reconciliation reports for March 2023
e. Finance report: To review the Clerk’s Finance report.
f. Receipt of precept submission: To note the receipt of the £58,870 received from Cornwall Council on 12/04/2023, for 50% of the precept submission. (Minute 119(i), from the meeting held on 17th January 2023 the precept submission of £117,740 was approved)
g. Monthly payments: To note payments made since the last meeting and to approve the
payments as presented by the Clerk, included in the list below and any additional payments presented in the meeting, which can be submitted for approval at the discretion of the Chair.
12. Cornwall Council Public Protection Order: Cornwall Council Public Spaces Protection Order (Alcohol Consumption in Designated Public Spaces): Proposed renewal of the current order for October 2023.
13. Training
a Carbon Literacy Project: To approve Councillor(s) attendance of the Carbon Literacy training on 9th May 2023, at a cost of £120.00 per person.
b Climate Change Summit: To approve Councillor(s) attendance of an online summit on 26th April 2023, organised by SLCC, at a cost of £120.00 per person.
See SLCC website for further information.
14. Environment
a. Environmental planning factors: To consider a formal response to Cornwall Council’s Affordable Housing newsletter regarding housing, in particular the need to ensure provision is made for nesting birds especially swifts.
b. Hedgehog highway project: To consider the purchase of 50 Hedgehog Highway Surrounds at a cost of surrounds at a cost of £150.00 plus postage.
15. Policies and procedures
a. Parish Council Risk Management Scheme: To review the draft Risk Management Scheme. (Deferred from the meeting held on 21st March 2023).
16. Publicity / Community Engagement
a. Website: To consider the proposal from SeadogIT to have images of the Councillors on the Parish Council website.
b. Parish Council newsletter: Update on distribution
c. Annual Engagement Event: Update from the Clerk and to agree arrangements.
17. Correspondence and matters to note

  • Sheviock Parish Clerk: Hypodermic needles on far Western beach (Hoodny Cove) Portwrinkle
  • Rame Peninsula Public Transport Users Group: Link to their new Facebook page.
  • Permaculture Kernow: meeting with Cormac went well and we will send them a proposal to plant fruit trees at West Park in Autumn 2023. Permaculture Kernow would be happy to manage the existing Lakeside Orchard with the option of extending the orchard ( planting a range of fruit and nut trees in Autumn 2023) into the top part of the field.
  • Millbrook’s King’s Coronation’Big Lunch’ Community Event:
    Rear Admiral Mike Wood CBE JP: “I would be grateful if you could pass this message to those members of the Parish Council were involved and to all the others in the community who contributed to Sunday’s event.
    It was an outstanding success and everyone involved deserves to be congratulated.
    I spoke to numerous people of all ages who were there and without exception they were clearly enjoying themselves and were full of praise for the planning, preparation and delivery of such a comprehensive and inclusive programme of activities.
    Many of them have lived in Millbrook longer than our 22 years and commented that this was the largest, best organised and most enjoyable event they had ever attended in the village. They clearly hoped that there would be more to follow in due course.
    For me, it was a privilege to have a small part to play so thank you for inviting me. I remain full of admiration for all that was achieved by such a willing and enthusiastic team.”
    Member of Public Hand delivered card thanking everyone involved for such a fantastic community event.
    Friends of Millbrook Methodist: “Please pass on our thanks to the Parish Council for putting on the Millbrook Coronation Big Lunch and especially thanks to the two of you for all your hard work planning and organising it and making sure things ran well on the day.It was a brilliant occasion which was enjoyed by so many people, we are part of a great community.
    Thank you for letting us have the Millbrook Methodist cake stall, we raised £158 which will be divided between local charities which help people in our community, all the money raised will stay on the Peninsula.
    Thank you again and I hope you can enjoy a well deserved rest”
    Member of public: We wish to congratulate the Parish Council and the many other organisations and volunteers involved for the exceptional event that took place in Millbrook on the occasion of King Charles lll’s Coronation. Many hundreds of people took part in and enjoyed celebrations that were extremely well organised and very much appreciated by all attendees we spoke to and saw. We belong to the generation that have clear memories of the 1953 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth ll and our generation perhaps constituted 10-15% of the attendees. The legacy of your event is that it has provided for the so many people younger than us their own memory of a community coming together to enjoy a historic constitutional occasion.”



18. Future items for consideration: To put forward recommendations for future consideration at the next Full Council / committee or working group meeting.