Annual Parish Council meeting


May 24th 2022


7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Support information for Millbrook Parish Council Annual Parish Council meeting

Tuesday 24th May 2022 at 7:30pm
Venue: The main hall in Millbrook Village Hall

The meeting has been split into two sections. The first half of the meeting is Annual Parish Council meeting. The items listed are in Standing Order 6. (See the Council’s website, drop down tab from Council to Policies and Procedures then scroll down to Standing Orders) In accordance with Standing Order 6 the business of the Annual Parish Council meeting shall include:

1. Election of Chairperson of the Parish Council (Standing Order 6e)
a. To elect a Chair of the Parish Council for 2022-23
b. To receive the Chair’s declaration of Acceptance of Office

2. Election of Vice Chairperson of the Council (Standing Order 6e)
a. To elect a Vice Chair of the Parish Council for 2022-23
b.To receive the Vice Chair’s declaration of Acceptance of Office

3. To receive apologies for absence

4. To receive any declarations of interest on any agenda item

5. To receive any declaration of gifts

6. To consider any requests for dispensations relating to agenda items.

7. Public forum and County Councillor report / update

8. Approval of minutes from previous meetings (Standing Order 6i.ii)

a. To approve the minutes of the Full Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 26th April 2022.

9. Governance

a. Parish Council’s policies and Procedures (Standing Order 6iv)
To note the Clerk’s document detailing adopted policies and procedures and dates for review.

b. To review the delegation arrangements to committees, sub-committees, staff and other local authorities. (Standing Order 
(i) To review and approve the Asset & Open Spaces Task Group Terms of Reference
Asset-and-Open-Spaces-Task-Group-Terms-of-Reference_June-2021.pdf (
(ii) To note the Clerk’s document detailing the Committees’ and Working Groups’ approved Terms of Reference and the Council’s delegation arrangements.

c. Committees and task groups
Appointment of committee and task group members and appointment of any new committees, in accordance with Standing Order 5. (the Chair of each will be appointed by the relevant committee / working group)
(i) Appointment of members of the Staffing Committee
(ii) Appointment of members of the Planning Committee
(iii) Appointment of members of the Finance Committee
(iv) Appointment of members of the Asset & Open Spaces Task Group
(v) Appointment of members of the Traffic & Transport Advisory Task Group.
(vi) Appointment of the Christmas Events Working Group
(vii) Consideration of the formation of any other committee or working group

d. Standing Orders: To review, put forward any recommended changes and approve the Parish Council’s Standing Orders. (Standing Order 6i.ix)

e. Financial Regulations: To review, put forward any recommended changes and approve the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations. (Standing Order 6i.ix).

f. To review any arrangements (including legal agreements) with other local authorities, not-for-profit bodies and businesses. (Standing Order 6i.x).

g. External bodies: Review of representation on or work with external bodies and arrangements for reporting back (Standing Order 6i.xi)
h. Inventory of land and other assets: Review of inventory of land and other assets including buildings and office equipment;(Standing Order 6i.xiii)

i. Insurance cover: To approve the quotation from BHIB Insurers. The Council’s current insurance policy is due for renewal on 1st June 2022. (Standing Order 6i.xiv – confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insurable risks).

j. Subscriptions: Review of the Council’s and / or staff subscriptions to other bodies

k Press / media policy: To review and adopt the draft press / media policy (Standing Order 6i.xvi)

l. General Power of Competence: During the Parish Council meeting held on 16th November 2021, having confirmed the Council meets the criteria as detailed in the prescribed conditions of section 8(2) of the Localism Act 2011, the Council passed a motion to adopt the General Power of Competence (Minute 103). The Council is required to reaffirm its eligibility to exercise the General Power of Competence. (Standing order 6i.xvii)
m. Future meetings: To determine the time and place of ordinary meetings of the Council up to and including the next annual meeting of the Council

Ordinary Full Parish Council meeting
10. Chair’s Announcements

11. Update from the Clerk and to review the report from the Admin Support Officer regarding the Community Engagement Event held on 14th May 2022.

12. Finance
a. Council’s bank balance: To note the Council’s bank balance
b Finance report: To review the Clerk’s Finance report.
c. Internal audit: To receive and review the report from the Internal Auditor.

d. External Audit: To consider the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021//22

(i) Annual Governance Statement: To consider the Council’s responses to the questions confirming the Council’s responsibility for ensuring that there is a sound system of internal control, including arrangements for the preparation of the Accounting Statements.

(ii) Accounting Statements: To consider and agree the accounting statement figures.

(iii) Electors’ Rights: To consider and approve the dates.

(iv) Statements of Variance: To consider the draft Statement of Variance.

e. Petty cash transactions: To note the petty cash transactions. The opening petty cash balance as at 1st April 2022 was £23.11. £100.00 in car change was retained as petty cash.
f. Monthly payments
To note payments made since the last meeting and to approve the payments as presented by the Clerk.
(Where applicable, amounts include V.A.T)
C.D.A = Clerk’s delegated authority
M.S.P = Millbrook Skatepark Project.
S.I. = Standing item (Employment terms / Contractors – general maintenance / Utilities)
(i) The list below includes payments made since the last meeting which were not included on the payment listing from the previous meeting.  See list with agenda

(ii) Payments to be processed – see list with agenda

13. Policies and procedures
a. Statement of Internal Control: To review Council’s Statement of Internal Control.

b. Licence agreement for use of Council owned land or property: To consider a revision to the Council’s Licence agreement to allow table service on Council owned land (see minute 173c, The Council deferred the decision to provide a bespoke licence agreement for Kernow Lounge and consider removing the clause not permitting table service from the Council’s Licence conditions for the Use of Council owned land or Property agreement).

14. Grants, donations, and community support
a. Family Foraging Kitchen: To consider the funding application of £300 for a Generator Hire & Hay Bale Seating for the Harfest 2022 Event.

15. Water bottle refill station
To consider the recommendation from Cllr S Woffenden
(i). Does the Council wish to install a water bottle refill station in Millbrook village?
(ii) If yes to above, does the Council choose to have a) a wall mounted one on the public toilet (£3000+VAT) the quote we have from MIW or b) a free standing one in the Tanyard (cost TBC, about £2k extra maybe?
(iii) Should the Council wish to proceed with MIW what colour would the Council prefer?
16. First Aid training
To consider funding the cost of an evening First Aid and AED session at £250 for a group of up to 20, with a provisional date of 8th June 2022.

17. Open Spaces & Public Amenities
a. Chatty Benches
To review the Clerk’s proposal for the provision of chatty benches
(i) To consider the quotation from Jag Signs for the artwork and supply of two plaques with bar codes for the which would link to information and support on mental health.
(ii) To consider the quotation from SeadogIT to build a Mental Health webpage with buttons and content linking through to NHS resources and content as provided by the council.

b. Cemetery groundwork maintenance
To consider the quotation from Enhanscapes and if approved agree which options:
Option A – clear and leave the ground as is
Option B – clear and rake and reseed with grass
Option C – clear and rake and reseed with grass and wildflower mix.

c. Pruning of the cherry trees on New Road: To consider the quotation from Enhanscapes to prune and crown manage the two cherry trees on the lake side of New Road.

d. Grass cutting maintenance in the cemetery: To review the correspondence regarding the

e. Cycle rack proposal for The Parade car park: To consider the proposal from the proprietor of Weigh to Go.

f. West Street Car park parking permit: To review correspondence and to consider the request, subject to planning permission, to purchase five parking spaces for a period of around 2-3 months.

g. Bike Lockers: To agree the annual permit fees for the rental of the bike lockers.

18. Correspondence and matters to note
This list is for information only (received since the last meeting and up to the date of distributing the agenda for this meeting). If any Councillor or member of public requires further details, please contact the Clerk.
• NALC: Chief Executive Bulletins, online event
• CALC: News round-up
• CALC: Training schedule
• Cornwall Council Community Link Officer: Applications now open for Landmark Tree Planting for the 22-23 season
• Cornwall Council Community Link Officer: Cormac grass cutting and verge maintenance.
• Cornwall AONB: Monumental Improvement Project Funding and Job Opportunity
Cormac Surfacing Programmer: Highway Works Information – Surface Dressing
• Cornwall Council, Communities Support Assistant: Community Network Highway Schemes update
• Cormac Solutions, Invasive Plant & Arboriculture Service: Inspection of Western Red Cedar trees adjacent to Millpool Head and reduction work required.
• Ukraine: An enquiry about English Language courses for Ukranian speakers in the Torpoint area.
• Pedestrian safety: (i) A request to have the red footpath along Dodbrook resurfaced. When walking children to Fourlanesend School it is quite ‘hairy’ at times, as it is hardly visible. (ii) Feedback that the red footpath/lines on West Street has really helped to make residents feel that little bit safer when walking through the narrows.
• Cormac: Wild Flower Closed Graveyard ID & Info Boards
• Anti-social parking: Vehicle obstruction along Lower Anderton Road