Cornwall has moved into Tier 2 High Alert

Dec 27, 2020 | Community News, Council News, COVID-19 Updates

Press release updated on Cornwall Council’s website on 23rd December 2020

From 26 December Cornwall will move into tier 2 local restrictions, the government has announced.

This follows a steep rise in cases across the country, including here in Cornwall.

Tier 2 rules are as follows:

  • You cannot spend time indoors with people outside of your household or bubble
  • You can still meet up to six people outdoors
  • You should lower the number of journeys you make
  • Work from home if you can
  • You can travel to other tier areas for work, education, medical attention or caring responsibilities
  • If you travel to a higher tier area you need to follow their rules while in the area
  • If you travel to a lower tier area you must follow our Tier 2 restrictions.

For businesses

  • Pubs and bars must close unless they are operating as a restaurant
  • Hospitality venues can only serve alcohol with a substantial meal but must stop taking orders at 10pm and close by 11pm
  • Shops, gyms and personal care such as hairdresser can stay open.

You can find the full rules for Tier 2 on the website

Rachel Wigglesworth, director of public health for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, said:

“Unfortunately, we’re now seeing a steep rise in case numbers across the country – including here in Cornwall. Changing tier means stricter rules, but if we all stick to them it will help prevent the virus from spreading further.

“It is absolutely vital that we continue to follow the guidelines to keep one another safe. That means continuing to wash your hands or using hand sanitiser often, wearing a face covering in public places such as shops and on public transport, and keeping two metres apart.

“Testing facilities will be open over the festive period, so if you have any symptoms – a persistent cough, a high temperature or a loss of taste or smell – please remember to self-isolate straight away and book a test. ”

Cornwall Council Deputy Leader Adam Paynter said: “I know how hard people in Cornwall have worked to stick to the rules, but this steep rise in case numbers demands urgent action. Moving up a tier will introduce some additional rules aimed at stopping the virus from spreading as freely in our communities.

“I can’t stress how important it is that we all stick to these new rules and follow the public health guidance. We must safeguard the most vulnerable among us and protect our NHS through what is likely to be an incredibly difficult few weeks for all of us.

“As it has throughout the pandemic, Cornwall Council will do all it can to support residents and together we’ll get through this.”

Cornwall Council’s latest news relating to:

  • Children, Schools and families
  • Communities and housing
  • Council, budgets and economy
  • Environment, culture and planning
  • Health, wellbeing and adult social care

Can be found on their media press release page.


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