Many thanks to all the Community Groups and Parishioners who attended Millbrook Parish Council’s Community Engagement Event 2024.
Millbrook Skatepark Project, Millbrook 1st Scout Group & Millbrook Beavers, Millbrook Football Club, Millbrook Over 50’s Friday Club, Awenek Studio CIC, The Peninsula Trust, The Care Hub, Permaculture Kernow, Pigshill and Clarrick Woods CIC, Rame Peninsula Beach Care, Rame Responders, Rame Group Practice Patient Participation Group, Rame Conservation Trust, Torpoint Town Council, Torpoint Library and Community Hub and Devon & Cornwall Police.
Millbrook Town Criers
The Peninsula Trust, & Permaculture Kernow
Cllr Sarah Woffenden
Rame Conservation Trust
Rame Responders
Rame Responder
Rame Peninsula Beach Care
Rame Peninsla Beach Care
Millbrook Over 50’s Friday Club
CC Kate & Ewert & PC Hayley Gething
Youth Consultation
Millbrook Skatepark Project
Millbrook Skatepark Project
Millbrook Skatepark Project
Cllr Gary Davis, Torpoint Town Council and PC Hayley Gething
Rame Peninsula Beach Care
Cornwall Councillor Kate Ewert
CC Kate Ewert and Cllr Fran Reilly
Millbrook Over 50s Friday club
Cllr Sarah Woffenden and Cllr Fiona McBain
Torpoint Mayor Cllr Gary Davis and Torpoint Town Clerk, Camilla Southworth
Millbrook Football Club – Gavin Bettison and Jes Collins, Torpoint Library
Jes Collins, Cllr Sharon Lewis and Cllr Fiona McBain
Millbrook Scouts
Rame Peninsula Beach Care
Rame Community Fund
Rame Group Practice Patient Participation
Rame Responders
Torpoint Liibrary & Community Hub
Millbrook Town Crier , Millbrook Junior TownCrier and public attendees
Rame Peninsula Beach Care
Rame Conservation Trust
The Care Hub
The Peninsula Trust
The venue was convenient and appeared to accommodate the exhibits satisfactorily.
The event was a great opportunity to meet some of the many folk who make our community safer and a lovely place to live, and to find out more about how they do it.