- Professional inspection post installations of the new ramps
- Annual RoSPA inspections
- Weekly / monthly visual inspections
Noise issue and condition of the ramps - email from The Skatepark Project
09/09/2020 – Email received from The Skatepark Project (a non-profit organisation)
“My understanding from satellite photos of the skatepark and other GBH ramps projects is that this park is constructed in metal on a tarmac base?
What you describe is a common issue with metal ramps and is one of the reasons we are vocal in our general opposition to them. We highly recommend concrete for new parks and replacements as it is quieter, smoother, customisable, lower maintenance and safer. However, the expense of concrete is often a reason for using other materials.
As we do not build skateparks ourselves I'm afraid I can't give you specific advice here. But what I can say is common solutions to addressing the noise of metal ramps tend to involve the following:
Foam/Infilling - you mention they were filled when installed.
Replacing the surface - replacing a metal surface with a composite material like 'Skatelite' can soften the percussive sounds generated from skating on metal surfaces whilst often improving the facility.
Moving the ramp - noise can often be directional so moving the ramp to a new orientation can help reduce its impact on residents.
Acoustic fencing and bunding - whilst we advise skateparks are kept open and visible for safety and security purposes, use of acoustic fencing or landscaping can dampen noise.
Move the park - in a worst case it may be necessary to relocate the skatepark elsewhere. Before doing this, we recommend undertaking a noise survey to ensure there is a genuine problem. Whilst skateparks generate noise, it is quite often the case that noise levels are legally acceptable and are often quieter than, say, a sports match or children playing on metal park facilities. Complaining residents do not always indicate a problem requiring remedial action.
I appreciate these are very high-level ideas, but I'd recommend speaking to a skatepark supplier or acoustics professional.”
The jumpbox
Following visual inspections, the ramp was identified as high risk. Contractors were appointed to complete works but due to various reasons they were unable to complete the agreed works.
Several contractors were appointed, some had a look at the ramp but either due to not having the necessary public liability or stating it would not be economically viable for the Council to arrange completion for the repair of the ramp it was decided to remove the ramp from site. Coastline Scrapyard removed the ramp at no cost to the Council.
August 2021
Jason Mullen, Mitchell Maintenance & Fabrication, visited the skatepark and looked at the jumpbox. He used an endescopic camera. Jason reported "The ramp is very rusty and will need a lot of work to get it safe to use, I don’t think that it will be financially viable to do the ramp up and would suggest scrapping it and putting the money towards a new ramp. I won’t charge anything for my time just happy to help,"