Information relating to Street cleansing
Millbrook is a Zone 2 location, therefore cleansed on a 6 – 8 weekly schedule, however if any location falls below Grade B in respect of litter and detritus between the scheduled cleanse this can be reported on 0300 1234 141 or by e-mailing , Biffa will inspect and if below Grade B will cleanse to Grade A within 24 hours. Please see times relating to cleansing frequencies and response times below.
Zone 1 Daily ½ day
Zone 2 6/8 weeks 24 hours
Zone 3 6 monthly 14 days
For litter and refuse
Grade A: No litter or refuse
Grade B: Predominately free of litter and refuse apart from some small items
Grade C: Widespread distribution of litter and/or refuse with some minor accumulations
Grade D: Heavily affected by litter and/or refuse with significant accumulations
For detritus (to be removed on metalled highways and recommended to be removed on all hard surfaces):
Grade A: No detritus
Grade B: Predominately free of detritus except for some light scattering
Grade C: Widespread distribution of detritus with minor accumulations
Grade D: Heavily affected by detritus with significant accumulations