Section 137 grant funding – as at September 2021

Oct 14, 2021 | Community News, Council News

Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 gives the Council the power to “incur expenditure which in their opinion is in the interests of and will bring direct benefit to their area or any part of it or all or some of its inhabitants……..”

Section 137 was amended by the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 s 36 so that any expenditure must be commensurate with the benefit to the community.

The relevant Government department (Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government) usually notifies the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) of the agreed value for local councils according to the indexation formula a short time before the relevant
financial year.

In January 2021, The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHLG) notified the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) that the appropriate sum for the purpose of section 137(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (the 1972 Act)  for Parish and town councils in England for 2021 is £8.41 per elector.

The relevant population is the number of persons on the electoral roll for the town, parish or community as at 1 April.

The number of on the electoral roll for Millbrook in April 2021 = 1838.  The total the amount the Parish Council can spend in the year 2021-22 must not exceed 1838 x  £8.41 = £15,449.17

Community organisations can apply to the Parish Council for Section 137 funding by completing a grant application form.

Please note the conditions of the grant:

  • The person completing the grant must be authorised to submit the application on behalf of the relevant organisation.
  • The organisation must have the capacity to complete the project.
  • The group / organisation needs to have its own bank account.
  • The Council not able to fund individuals or appeals supporting individuals
  • The Council will not support organisations which support or opposite political parties.
  • The Council will not support organisations that discriminate on the grounds of sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion and belief or age.

Organisations are required to submit copies of their latest accounts.

Any grant awarded by Millbrook Parish Council may be subject to conditions, which will be agreed in the Council meetings.

Community organisations can apply to the Parish Council for Section 137 funding by completing a grant application form.

Section 137 expenditure for 2021-22

The Peninsula Trust £5,000
Millbrook Football Club £1,200
Millbrook AFC Football Club £1,500
Millbrook Village Hall £1,600
Maker Woodlands CIC £1,200

Full Council meeting 20th April 2021 – Minute 268. Grants / donations
A funding request had been submitted by The Peninsula Trust (TPT) for £14,726. The Council discussed the decision at length. It was felt the amount requested was very close to the
allocated budget amount for section 137 funding. As it is the start of the new financial year and it is not known how what other community projects will apply for support, it was felt the Council
should donate a lower amount.
During the meeting the Clerk provided information relating to previous donations the Council had made to TTP (£2,602 in April 2020 and £2,374 in July 2020)
Following discussion, it was proposed by Cllr Roberts that the Council offers a donation of £5,000. The Council would be willing to review further funding in six months. The motion was seconded by Cllr Wood and carried with one Councillor voting against the proposal. Resolved.

Full Parish Council meeting held on 15th June 2021 – Minute 36, Grants & Donations
To consider the request from Millbrook Football Club for grant funding support.
A section 137 grant application form had been received from Mr Mark Pratten, Chairman of Millbrook Community Football & Social Club.
The Club requested £3,500 to provide a decked and tastefully fenced seating area for community.
Following the request of Cllr Wood, the Chair opened the meeting to Mr Nick Hall, treasurer of Millbrook Football Club.
Mr Hall responded to questions from the Councillors.
The Clerk had circulated the accounts received from the football club.
The Clerk was asked to provide information regarding the funds available from Section 137.
£10,200 had been allocated for the year and £5,000 has been awarded to The Peninsula Trust.
Following discussion, it was proposed by Cllr Taggart, seconded by Cllr Roberts and unanimously agreed by all Councillors that the Council award a grant of £1,200. It was agreed if the football club was unable to obtain funding from other sources, they could come back to the Council with a request for further funding. Resolved

Full Parish Council meeting held on 20th July 2021 – Minute 51a & 51b
The funding requests below are listed in order of being received:
a. Millbrook Village Hall Management Committee funding request of £1,600 to cover the
electric costs (labour & materials) required for the installation of the Air Source Heat Pump
in Millbrook Village Hall.
It was proposed by Cllr Wood, seconded by Cllr Roberts and unanimously agreed by all
Councillors to award Millbrook Village Hall Management Committee £1,600, as detailed on the
grant application form. Resolved.

b. Pighill Woods CIC funding request of £2,000 for the purchase of two new chainsaws at £700
and tree climbing equipment at £1,300.
It was proposed by Cllr Roberts and seconded by Cllr Wood that on receipt of the quotations, the
Council would fund up to 60% of the costs subject to a maximum of 60% of the funding request (up
to £1,200). The motion was unanimously agreed by all Councillors. Resolved.



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