September 19th 2023
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
References: C.D.A = Clerk’s delegated authority, S.I. = Standing item (Employment terms / Contractors – general maintenance / Utilities)
Purchases: 30 Trees (varying costs from £29-£40 per tree @ £35 = £1050.00
Apples, pears, plums, cherries, damsons, Hazel and walnut
Plants: comfrey, wild flower seeds, clover donated by PK
Public liability insurance £190.41
Bark chippings,compost, manure £ 100
Posts and tree connectors £120
Tools £40 Total £1500
11.3 Kingfisher Preschool: To review the communication from Maker with Rame Parish Council requesting £615.00 as a contribution towards the equipment costs of Kingfisher Preschool
12. West Street car park machine
To note the action made under to delegated authority to place an order for a replacement Singular Strada Mechanical Drawer.
13. Climate and Environment:
13.1 Electric Charging Point: To receive the report from Cllr Mattholie / Jo Bennetts and to agree actions.
13.2 Climate & Environment Working Group: To receive the notes from the meeting held on Tuesday 12th September 2023.
14. Parish Council Newsletter
To receive the notes from the meeting held on 15th August 2023, to agree the inclusion of business advertising, distribution method and a budget for the printing costs of the newsletter.
15. Christmas and Events Task GroupChristmas and Events Task Group meeting held on 4th September 2023: To receive the meeting notes, agree recommendations and approve the Christmas budget.
16. Committees and Working Groups
16.1 Staffing Committee: To approve an additional member(s) of the Staffing Committee
16.2 Finance Committee: To approve an additional member(s) of the Finance Committee
16.3 Christmas and Events Task Group: To approve an additional member(s) of the Christmas and Events Task Group.
17. Assets and Open Spaces
Request for a bench by Co-op: Does the Council approve the request from a parishioner for a request by the Co-op. If yes, (a) does the Council have a preference on the type of bench
(b) does the Council agree to fund the costs of purchasing and installing a bench.
18. Updates / reports from Councillors / Council Officers
Millbrook Village Hall Management Committee – See minutes from meeting / update from Cllr Lewis.
19. Correspondence and matters to note (for information only)
20. Future items for agenda: To raise matters for future consideration in full council, committee or working group meetings.