June 18th 2024
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Millbrook Parish Council Full Council meeting
Tuesday 18th June 2024 at 7:30pm
Venue: The main hall in Millbrook Village Hall
1. Chair’s welcome and announcements
1.1 Welcome, housekeeping and overview of meeting procedures
1.2 Chair’s announcements.
1.3 To receive the Vice Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
2. Apologies for absence.
3. To receive declarations of gifts, declarations of interest relating to matters on the agenda, in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, and to consider any requests for dispensations. (please refer to the notes at the end of agenda).
a. Declarations of interests
b. To consider members’ requests for dispensation
c. Declaration of gifts or hospitality with a value of over £50.00 Declarations of gifts and declarations of interest on any agenda item.
4. Public forum and County Councillor report/update.
4.1 Public forum
Standing Order 3e: Members of the public may make representations, answer questions and give evidence at a meeting which they are entitled to attend in respect of the business on the agenda.
Standing Order 3f: The period of time designated for public participation at a meeting in accordance with standing order 3(e) shall not exceed 30 minutes unless directed by the chair of the meeting.
Standing Order 3g: Subject to standing order 3(f), a member of the public shall not speak for more than 3 minutes.
4.2 Co-option of Parish Councillors: Millbrook Parish Council has positions available for two Parish Councillors. Applications have been received from five candidates. The candidates will have the opportunity to address the Council (see agenda item 19) prior to Councillors making their vote by a secret written ballot.
4.3 Cornwall Councillor report / update
5. Approval of the minutes from previous
Minutes of the previous full Parish Council meeting: To approve the minutes of the Full Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 21st May 2024.
6. Matters arising / updates from last Full Council meeting
6.1 Community Engagement Working group: Cllr Reilly has arranged a meeting for Monday 1st July at 10.00am. (Minute 8gii, 21/05/2024)
6.3 Guard Up boxing – grant funding: It was resolved that providing evidence is produced that matched funding has been obtained from other sources that Council donates 50% of the amount requested (Minute 20, 21/05/2024) Email received thanking the Council and stating the organisation is in the process of trying to match your funding offer with Torpoint Town Council.
6.4 External audit: Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for 2023-24 and supporting documents have been submitted to BDO LLP. (Minute 17.9, 21/05/2024). An email acknowledgement was received on 3rd June 2024.
7. The Care Hub – letter of support for potential funders
To consider the request from The Care Hub to produce an email / letter of support from the Parish Council highlighting the organisations value to the local community.(Raised during the Parish Council meeting held on 21/05/2024, Minute 4.6)
Email received 16/05/2024 from The Care Hub Support Worker: “We have applied for various funding for the Care Hub, and have been asked for letters/emails of support for the Care Hub and its value to the local community.
I was wondering if you would be so kind as to sending me an email to enable us to do this please?
The more we can show what an asset the Care Hub is to the Rame Peninsula, the more likely we are to be awarded funding to continue our valuable work.”
8. Traffic & Transport
8.1 Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry: Does the Parish Council support South East Cornwall CAP being promoted as a strategic partner to the Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry joint committee thus enabling the CAP to make strong representations to any consultation exercises and / or representing the views of town and parishes?
8.2 St Johns Road Highway Improvement Scheme – update:
In October / November 2023, 80% of respondents submitted objections to the consultation for Scheme reference Infra23-062. The proposals included a buildout on St John’s Road to improve footway and create visibility improvements, by restricting parking, for pedestrians and school children crossing the road on route to school was not carried forward. The Council is currently waiting for further updates on revised proposals. A parishioner has asked for this to be included on the agenda. I have been chasing feedback but not received a response. If there is update this will be provided in the meeting.
9. Policies, procedures, terms of reference and Core Documents
9.1 Asset & Open Spaces Task Group: To note Cllr Renshaw was voted as Chair of this group.
9.2 Asset & Open Spaces Group Terms of Reference: To review the ToRs and consider any amendments.
9.2 Finance Committee Terms of Reference: To review and consider any amendments.
9.3 Staffing Committee Terms of Reference: To review and consider any amendments.
9.4 Standing Orders: To adopt the Parish Council’s Standing Orders following amendments approved during the Parish Council meeting held on 21st May 2024 – Minute 10)
9.5 Financial Regulations: To review the New NALC Model Financial Regulations and to consider the amendments as detailed in the supporting documents.
9.6. Complaints policy: To review and consider and amendments.
10. Picnic bench by Millbrook Lake
To consider the request for donated memorial bench to be situated by the lakeside.
11. Subscriptions
12. Finance
13. Website maintenance
14. Bins
15. Disabled spaces in public car park
16. Flags
17. Children’s play park
18. Management of green spaces / recreation facilities
20. Correspondence and matters to note (for information only)
21. Future items for agenda: