Cornwall Council Advanced notification of public access/consultee access unavailability – From 9am Tuesday 8 November to 6pm Thursday 10 November 2022

Oct 24, 2022 | Community News, Council News

Notification received from Cornwall Council

Unavailability of the Online Planning Register – 8th to 10th November (inclusive)


The online planning register will be unavailable on the 8th to 10th November (inclusive) in order to upgrade to the newest version.

How will this affect me?

During this time the online register will not be available and therefore planning applications won’t be viewable and comments cannot be submitted via the online register during this time.

What if the expiry date for making comments is during the downtime?

If the expiry date for making comments is on the 8th, 9th or 10th November please aim to get your comments in by the 7th November using the online planning register.  Any planning applications where the expiry date is later than the 11th November please wait until the online register is up and running again before submitting your comments.

How to send urgent comments during this time?

 If the expiry date for making comments is during this downtime and you’ve not been able to get them in by the 7th November you can email your comments to during the downtime period only.  As soon as the online planning register is up and running again on the 11th November all comments will need to be submitted via the online planning register or by post.  Further information on how to respond to planning application can be found on the link below:

How do I login to the online planning register after the upgrade?

If you have saved your password to your web browser this will no longer work due to the improved security following the upgrade.  You will be required to manually type in your password, if you cannot remember it then please look for the below in order to reset your password:

Many thanks

Planning Systems Support Team


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