Millbrook Grass Cutting and Village Maintenance survey

Jul 18, 2023 | Community News, Council News

Thank you to everyone who has contacted the Parish Council to feedback on the Parish Council’s Grass Cutting maintenance contract and raise issues regarding village maintenance.

Please note Millbrook Parish Council are not responsible for the roadside verges.
Cornwall Councillor Kate Ewert has provided an update in her latest report

“Verges We started June with a battle over our overgrown verges around the division, as we have progressed through the month these have been, for the most part, tackled thankfully. In
Millbrook I had real concerns about the lack of visibility along side the lake. It took many
phone calls and emails, but I was pleased to finally see the area that Cornwall Council is
responsible for, cut back. Since then. I have been talking to officers about a plan for that
verge area as it is an issue each year. I can now say that it has been agreed to start the
wildflower planting here in the Autumn of this year. This will start with the planting of a
grass called ‘yellow rattle’ that will out compete the grasses that are there and which
does not grow very tall. This should see a much more manageable area, with lower grass
length. “

Emails and comments submitted after publication of the report (as at 8:30am on 18th July 2023

Received: Mon, 17 Jul, 13:41

Thank you for contacting me re-grass cutting in the village.

I personally think that we should Leave the grass for the importance of our wildlife and environment.

People who are complaining about near misses on the roads need to slow down, be more vigilant and supervise children more closely.

I have to say, I drive in and around the village many times a week and have not encountered any such problems. This has been in a van and a small car. Maybe if people stick to the speed limit it would be more helpful.

Received Mon, 17 Jul, 10:32

Hi Karenza,

You are correct, I never received an email from you regarding the parish council and their maintenance of the green spaces around the village.

Not having seen this email I can only say that as a resident of the parish I am quite content with the way the village is being maintained and congratulate the council on all that they do for the residents.

It is usually a thankless task being a parish councillor, and sometimes even worse, ( some people can be abusive).

So I would like you to put on record my thanks to all the councillors for their work.

(Name redacted)

On 17 Jul 2023 08:01, Karenza Heald <> wrote:

Thank you for your email (name redacted). The question MPC are asking is more about the Council’s grass cutting contract and village maintenance. Cornwall Council are responsible for the roadside verges. There was a poll on Facebook conducted by a parishioner. The poll appeared to relate to the roadside verges but then led to comments about the Parish Council.

The email below was sent to as many community groups and people I have emails for as possible. By the looks of it you never received an email from me?

Millbrook Parish Council grass cutting and village maintenance | Millbrook Parish Council (

Comment submitted 15/07/2023 @ 14:48

Let the grass grow ,even if it is not ‘TIDY’

Comment submitted 17/07/2023 @ 15:48

I love the wild growth, I think it looks beautiful and benefits in all manner of ways.

I agree with comments about driving along by the pond and visibility. A number of times I have been caught out as I have been going from the chemist end towards the park and not been able to see the full length of the road. Generally though, people are really good at pulling over, as am I. I would rather have long grass, drive slowly and pull over as neccisary, but it might prove safer to trim that bit.

Overall, I have never lived in a village that allows the grass to grow long and I feel really lucky to live somewhere that’s so beautifully maintained and ecologically sound. My big dog REALLY LOVES the long grass on the park and although there’s a tick risk, if I am vigilant and remove the lil ******** then all is well on that front too. My old collie doesn’t like the long grass, so the paths through are brilliant too.

Congratulations on an amazing park…I make apple and blackberry jelly every autumn from the park and share it with friends. Its such a gift, especially when times are so hard financially.

Walking through the park really helps my mental health too. It’s the best park I have ever seen. Thank you.


  1. Clare

    Millbrook is a lovely village to live in especially with the park and lakeside area which I think is looked after and maintained in a sympathetic manner by Hil to allow nature to thrive and us to enjoy it with the pathways and seated areas trimmed to enjoy the view.

    I support the County Council and Parish Council with their long grass policy as long as the road safety/visual impact is taken on board and trimmed where necessary.

    I think some of the roads edges are looking shabby with all the weeds and that could be tidied up – I am happy to be part of a workforce to do this.

  2. Tom Crowley

    The wilder the better I would just like the places where one needs to see safely oncoming traffic at junctions be trimmed the rest left alone and we should all be conscious that 1000 years ago the whole lot would’ve been trees anyway.

  3. Stella Clarke

    I agree with the no mow, but only where it doesn’t cause problems with line of site for vehicles, and consequently danger to children crossing the road. Buddleia and other plant growth should be monitored for ingress to walls.

  4. Louise

    Hello, these are my comments regarding the grass cutting.

    I will comment firstly about the park area and around the lake. I think the way that Hil, the contracted landscape/grass cutter does an absolutely brilliant job in this area, cutting paths and making the area both sympathetic to wildlife and people that use the area, there is a big enough area for exercising dogs that has been cut short, the other cutting adds interest and I personally enjoy this space. We have some great seating in this area, and spaces that are often enjoyed for Al fresco picnics and gatherings.
    The areas in front of the seats that look towards the lake have been maintained at a low level so people can sit and enjoy the very beautiful scenery, which we have in the village.

    Secondly, I will comment on the verges along New Road, in Southdown Road and other verges, such as in St John’s Road. These verges were allowed to become overgrown and messy, for much longer than ‘ No Mow’ May, they became dangerous in areas along the road side, obstructing clear views ahead, not just for traffic, but for the crossing ducks and swans and potentially a child crossing the road in an unexpected place.

    Finally, I feel that there has been a lack of weeding and removal of self seeded plants, some large non native species like Buddlea have grown over 7 feet tall in Newport Street and St Andrews street, I feel that the thinning of these roads by obstructing plants is not only adding danger to people using these roads, but also looks unkept, and will only get worse if some form of control is not exercised as these plants will continue to self seed.

    This has obviously been a very contentious issue in the village, for a few months. I would like to convey my thanks to MPC for this consultation process, it has been interesting to see so many different views.

  5. Penny

    Millbrook is a village with a wide range of people, ages, ideas and beliefs. Surely this is one of the reasons it is such a fantastic place to live? Why can’t all these opinions be incorporated. I love the wildness in some areas of the village but also like the neatness in others. If visibility is an issue on the roads why can’t our villagers be kept safe? Some are saying everything would be ok if people stick to the speed limit. I don’t know about you but I would not like to be hit by any vehicle going 20mph or even 10mph. My opinion is to make it safe, keep areas wild and keep some areas neat. Surely this is the best way forward for the whole village rather than just the ones who shout loudest?

    • Malcolm

      Since mowing around the lake and park Millbrook is looking better.
      I feel all the weeds along the roads including Newport Street and Millbrook Street make the village very untidy. I do think that the Residents should be more responsible for these areas and what’s around them . I would always be very happy to join a voluntary group in Millbrook to help with planting and weeding.

  6. Parish Clerk

    8. Assets and Open Spaces 
    8.1 Grass verges: To note the ownership, responsibility and Cornwall Council reporting procedures and to support CC Kate Ewert’s planting proposal (see CC Kate Ewert’s June 2023 update)
    8.2 Millbrook’s grass cutting and village maintenance: To receive reports on the Parish Council’s Grass Cutting and Village Maintenance contract and to agree next steps.


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