Full Parish Council meeting


February 20th 2024


7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Millbrook Parish Council Full Council meeting
Tuesday 20th February 2024 @ 7:30pm
Venue: The main hall in Millbrook Village Hall

1. Apologies for absence

2. To receive declarations of gifts, declarations of interest relating to matters on the agenda and to consider any requests for dispensations.
2.1 To receive any requests for Dispensations or Declarations of Interest from Councillors relating to items on the agenda for this meeting, in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, and to note any gifts and hospitality (please refer to the notes at the end of agenda).
a. Declarations of interests
b. To consider members’ requests for dispensation
c. Declaration of gifts or hospitality with a value of over £50.00
2.2 To receive and consider the request(s) for dispensation from the Planning Committee relating Planning Application PA24/0044.

3. Cornwall Councillor report / update and Public Forum

4. Chair’s Announcements

5. Millbrook Skatepark Project
5.1 Old Skatepark ramps: To agree how to dispose of the remaining old steel ramps.
5.2 Maverick Valuation and Application for payment Update on site visit to with Maverick Industries to discuss the progress to date and the modified plans for the overall site of the skatepark site.
5.3 Modified Plans: To approve the modification of the overall site design and to agree a budget for wildflower seeds.
5.4 Skatepark signage: To approve the new Millbrook Skatepark safety signage, as presented by Millbrook Skatepark Project.
5.5 Community Ownership Fund: To receive an update on the COF funding and to delegate the signing of the Community Ownership Fund legal agreement (example included with the meeting document pack) to be signed in accordance with Standing Order 23, by any two Councillors and witnessed by the Proper Officer of the Council.

6. Approval of the minutes from previous meeting:
6.1 Minutes of the last full Parish Council meeting: To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 16th January 2024.

7. Finance
7.1 Unity Trust bank balance (main account): To note the Council’s Unity Trust current account balance (update to be provided in the meeting)
7.2. Unity Trust savings account (skatepark account). To note the balance in the Unity Trust account for the skatepark funds.
7.3 Council’s savings account balance: To note the balance in the Nationwide Building Society Account as at 31st January 2024
7.4. CCLA Investment Management Fund: To note the January 2024 statement detailing £50,000 in the Public Sector Deposit Fund. (Interest has been transferred to the Unity Trust account).
7.5 Bank reconciliation: To note the bank reconciliation reports for January 2024
7.6. Finance report: To receive the Clerk’s Finance Report.
7.7 Monthly payments: To note payments made since the last meeting and to approve the
payments as presented by the Clerk, included in the list below, and any additional payments presented in the meeting, which can be submitted for approval at the discretion of the Chair.
(Where applicable, amounts include V.A.T)
References: C.D.A = Clerk’s delegated authority, S.I. = Standing item (Employment terms / Contractors – general maintenance / Utilities)
Note: where Councillors have declared an interest and vacated the meeting these payments should be approved separately.
(i) The list below includes payments made since the last meeting which were not included on the payment listing from the previous meeting.
(ii) Payments to be processed

8. Grants  / Funding
To consider the grant funding request of £600.00 towards the running costs of the Black Prince Flower Boat Festival to be held on 6th May 2024.
9. Use of Parish Council land 
10. Asset and Open Spaces
10.1 Asset & Open Spaces Task Group meeting: To receive the meeting notes from 13th February 2024 and to consider recommendations.
10.2 Soil Management (Biochar): To receive the report from Peter Gold and to agree next steps.
10.3 Soil testing analysis: To receive the report from The Testing Lab, to agree next steps to include an associated budget.
10.4 Tree Management: Update on funding for a tree management plan
10.5 Millbrook Playing fields: To consider the quotation from Enhanscapes to ‘spike and sand’ the children’s football pitch (between the ‘tractor park’ and tennis courts).  This operation will aerate the soil and improve draining to facilitate cutting and usage during the winter months.
10.6 Tarmac footpath repairs alongside Millbrook Tractor Park heading towards the tennis courts: To consider the quotations for works on the tarmac footpath providing improved access (see images).
10.7 Millbrook Tennis Courts: To review the quotations for replacement tennis court nets and posts, to consider wider usage of the facility and to agree the steps recommended by the members of the Asset & Open Spaces Task Group.
10.8 West Street car park surfacing: To review and consider the quotations for patchwork repairs of West Street Car park.
10.9 Mobility access by Millbrook Surgery: To review the quotation for the purchase, labour and materials of rails by the drop curb near Millbrook Doctors Surgery (New Road side)
11. Climate and Environment: 
Electric Charging Point: To receive the report from the Parish Clerk and to agree actions.
12. Cornwall Council agreements
12.1 Local maintenance Partnership: To receive the documentation from Cornwall Council and to consider signing up to the programme for 2024-25.
12.2 Cornwall Council Service Level Agreement – Parking Enforcement: To receive the Service Level Agreement document covering the period from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025 to consider (a) consider continuing with the service and (b) if yes to agree a budget.
13. Policies and procedures 
13.1 Social media policy: To review the Parish Council’s social media policy.
13.2 Expenses policy: To review the Parish Council’s expenses policy.
14. Cornwall Council consultations
15. Updates / reports from Councillors / Council Officers 
15.1 Millbrook Village Hall Management Committee – See minutes from meeting and Carbon Saving Calculation.  Update from Cllr Lewis
16. Correspondence and matters to note (for information only)
17. Future items for agenda: To raise matters for future consideration in full council, committee or working group meetings.