Full Parish Council meeting


October 17th 2023


7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Millbrook Parish Council Full Council meeting
Tuesday 17th October 2023 at 7:30pm
Venue: The main hall in Millbrook Village Hall
1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of gifts and declaration of interest on any agenda item
3. Dispensation – To consider any requests for dispensations relating to agenda items.
4. Public forum and County Councillor report / update  
5. Chair’s Announcements
6. Clerk’s report / update
7. Approval of the minutes from previous meeting: 
7.1 Minutes of the last full Parish Council meeting: To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 19th September 2023.
8. Millbrook Skatepark Project
8.1 Installation update:  To note order placed on 3rd October 2023, with Maverick Industries, based on Concept Design 3 and to receive updates regarding the installation dates.
8.2 Detailed drawings: To receive Maverick Industries’ detailed drawings for the skatepark.
8.3 CIL Funding agreement: To approve the Cornwall Council CILF258 project agreement.
8.4 Maverick Industries contract: To receive the example JCT Minor Works with Contract Design 2016 from Maverick Industries (final contract to be issued once confirmation of the installation date is available).
9. Village maintenance
9.1 Public meeting held on 16th September 2023: To receive an update on attendees.
9.2 Cormac / Millbrook Parish Council landownership: To receive an update on the meeting
held on Friday 6th October with Trevor Jones MCIHort, Environment Area Manager, Cormac Solutions.
9.3 Government Guidance on Biodiversity: To note the guidance from Society of Local Clerks (SLCC): (i) Under the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 there is a duty on public authorities in England to have regard to conserving biodiversity as part of their policy or decision making. Conserving biodiversity can include restoring or enhancing a population or habitat. (ii) Duty has been reinforced under the Environment Act 2021, and government guidance asking for councils to complete their first consideration of what action to take for biodiversity by 1 January 2024 and agree policies and objectives as soon as possible afterwards was published on 17 May 2023.
9.4 Grass cutting and Village maintenance: (i) To receive and discuss the Grass Cutting and Village Maintenance report (ii) To agree next steps.
10. Traffic and Transport
10.1 Cornwall Council / Cormac relationship: To consider a submitting formal communication regarding Cornwall Council’s relationship with Cormac (initially raised as a concern by a member of public during the meeting held on 20th June 2023).
10.2 Public Transport: To agree a budget for the printing of Rame Peninsula specific bus times.
11. Finance
11.1 Council’s bank balance: To note the Council’s Unity Trust bank balance (to be updated in the Council meeting). Bank balance includes funds transferred from Millbrook Skatepark Project.
11.2. Council’s savings account balance: To note the balance in the Nationwide Building Society Account.
11.3. CCLA Investment Management Fund: To note the September 2023 statement detailing £50,000 in the Public Sector Deposit Fund.  (Interest has been transferred to the Unity Trust account).
11.3 Bank reconciliation: To note the bank reconciliation reports for September 2023.
11.4. Unity Trust Savings account: To approve the application for a Unity Trust Savings account for the Millbrook Skatepark Project funds and consider whether a second savings account should be opened to hold the Council’s operating funds throughout the year.
11.5 Finance report: To receive the Clerk’s monthly financial transaction report.
11.6 Audit control checks: To note control checks completed by Cllr Lewis and Cllr McBain on Friday 6th October 2023.
11.7 Monthly payments: To note payments made since the last meeting and to approve the
payments as presented by the Clerk, included in the list below, and any additional payments presented in the meeting, which can be submitted for approval at the discretion of the Chair.
12. Community Support
12.1 Millbrook Preschool : To consider the grant funding request of £2,000 from Millbrook Preschool.  See application and accounts.
12.2 Permaculture Kernow Orchard plans: To review additional information and to consider approval of the previous submitted plans for tree planting in the playing field, adjacent to the skatepark.  (See Minute 160.2, meeting held on 21st March 2023 and Minute 82.1, meeting held on 19th September 2023).
12.2 Permaculture Kernow funding request: Depending on the decision of agenda item 12.2, to consider the funding request from Permaculture Kernow for community tree planting.
13. Climate and Environment: 
Electric Charging Point: To receive the report from Cllr Mattholie and to agree actions.
14. Committees and Working Groups
Staffing Committee: To approve an additional member(s) of the Staffing Committee.
15. Assets and Open Spaces
15.1 Lake rat / wildlife information signage: To agree a budget for information signage relating to feeding of birds by the lakeside and its encouragement of the rat population (See RSPCA guidance ‘Living with Rats and Mice).
15.1 CCTV in the Tanyard: Following reports of anti-social behaviour does the Council wish to pursue the installation of CCTV in the Tanyard?
15.2 Tanyard pergola roof covering: Does the Council wish to continue investigating options for a covering of the pergola in the Tanyard?
15.3 Tree survey: To review the tree survey report completed by Cornwall Tree Consultancy and agree next steps.
16. Updates / reports from Councillors / Council Officers 
16.1 Millbrook Village Hall Management Committee – See minutes from meeting / update from Cllr Lewis
16.2 Rame Cluster meeting: update from Cllr Lewis
18. Future items for agenda: To raise matters for future consideration in full council, committee or working group meetings.