November 19th 2024
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Millbrook Parish Council Full Council meeting
Tuesday 19th November 2024 at 7:30pm
Venue: The main hall in Millbrook Village Hall
1. Chair’s welcome and announcements
1.1 Welcome, housekeeping, and overview of meeting procedures
1.2 Chair’s announcements.
2. Apologies for absence.
3. To receive declarations of gifts, declarations of interest relating to matters on the agenda, in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, and to consider any requests for dispensations. (please refer to the notes at the end of agenda).
a. Declarations of interests
b. To consider members’ requests for dispensation
c. Declaration of gifts or hospitality with a value of over £50.00. Declarations of gifts and declarations of interest on any agenda item.
4. Public forum and County Councillor report/update.
4.1 Public forum
Standing Order 3e: Members of the public may make representations, answer questions and give evidence at a meeting which they are entitled to attend in respect of the business on the agenda.
Standing Order 3f: The period of time designated for public participation at a meeting in accordance with standing order 3(e) shall not exceed 30 minutes unless directed by the chair of the meeting.
Standing Order 3g: Subject to standing order 3(f), a member of the public shall not speak for more than 3 minutes.
4.2 Cornwall Councillor report / update
5. Approval of the minutes from previous meetings
5.1 Last Full Council meeting: To approve the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 15th October 2024.
5.2 Last Staffing Committee meeting: To approve the minutes of the Staffing Committee meeting held on 24th October 2024.
6. Matters arising / actions from the previous Parish Council meeting.
6.1 Replacement of bench by Millbrook lakeside (Minute 85.3, 17/09/2024)
The Parish Council previously agreed a budget of £600 to include the purchase and a new bench. Due to safety reasons the bench has been removed. The costs incurred for removing the bench have amounted to £90.00 (Dale Blackler £40.00 to dismantle the bench and Rame Refuse £50.00 to dispose of the bench). Since the expenditure approval was granted, the contractor has advised an increase in the concrete base is required. The Council is being asked to consider a) to revise the budget for the installation and purchase of a replacement bench or b) not to take any action until a request is made for an additional memorial bench by the lakeside.
7. Millbrook Skatepark Project
7.1 Skatepark accounts: To receive a report detailing skatepark funds received and expenditure to date.
7.2 Millbrook Skatepark trip: Update on skatepark trip to Mount Hawke.
7.3 Skatepark survey: To receive the responses of the recent survey.
7.4 Lighting: Does the Council support solar lighting in Millbrook Skatepark?
7.5 Concrete seating: Subject to funding does the Council approve the installation of concrete seating?
8. Criminal damage to the picnic bench in Millbrook Skatepark
Update on the fire damage to the picnic bench damage in Millbrook Skatepark (crime reference number 50240277977). To note the offer of an anonymous donation towards a new picnic bench and to consider whether the Council wants to submit an insurance claim.
9. Finance
9.1 Parish Council Unity Trust bank accounts: To note the balances on the accounts.
9.2 Parish Council Nationwide Savings Account: To note the balance on the account.
9.3 CCLA Investment Management Fund: To receive the latest statement.
9.4 Bank reconciliation report: To receive the October 2024 bank reconciliation report.
9.5 Monthly report: To receive the Parish Clerk’s finance report.
9.6 Precept submission for 2025/26: To receive the documents from Cornwall Council and to approve the request to Cornwall Council for the precept submission to be submitted after the full Parish Council meeting in January 2025.
9.7 Monthly payments: To note payments made since the last meeting and to approve the
payments as presented by the Clerk, included in the list below, and any additional payments presented in the meeting, which can be submitted for approval at the discretion of the Chair.
10. Grants, donations / community support
10.1 Royal British Legion: To approve a donation to the Poppy Appeal Fund.
10.2 The Peninsula Trust: To consider approval of the funding request for a playmat to be used during Millbrook Meet up on Friday mornings.
11. Assets & Open Spaces
11.1 Replacement picnic bench by Millbrook Lakeside: To receive the report from the Council’s Admin Support Assistant providing options for a stainless-steel picnic bench in place of the previous picnic bench timber supplied by Millbrook Model Club and to agree a budget.
11.2 Asset and Open Spaces meeting: To receive the notes from the meeting held on 31st October 2024
11.3 Grass cutting contract specification: To approve the amendments to the grass cutting specification for the 2025-26 / 2027-28 / 2028-29 contract as recommended by the Asset & Open Spaces Task Group as detailed below and to consider any additional amendments:
a. The Grass Cutting contract for the cemetery and the grass cutting contract for the rest of the village are split into two different contracts.
b. The following amendments to the existing specification are made:
- Point 9 (General section): After 30cm band width insert ‘to be left around the trees, amend to include ‘boundary fencing, paths.’
- After point 9 (amend numbering) add Grass must not exceed 15cm underneath the play park equipment (this includes the rope net on the multi-play unit).
- All entrances to park areas to be maintained free of overgrowth.
- Addition for Plan 1, Area F – this area is being trialled for yellow rattle and wildflowers. The appointed contractor will be expected to maintain in accordance with best practice, as advised by Cornwall Highways Environment Manager.
- Area by the tennis court gates, near the boulders, Southdown Road side is left with biannual cuts keeping the entrances 10cm clear.
c. To consider inclusion of using of a leaf blower or stipulate the method by which the contractor should clear up the grass and other green waste from the roads and pavements within the contract specification.
d. Skatepark green space: To approve the inclusion of the newly created bank in the skatepark in the contract specification.
e. Green space on the junction of Hounster Drive and St Andrews Street: To approve the inclusion of the green space in this area in the contract.
f. Statutory duty to compliance under 2021 Environment Act: To consider inclusion of a statement that Under the 2021 Environment Act, public authorities (including town and parish councils) operating in England must consider what they can do to conserve and enhance biodiversity. Candidates will therefore be required to support and evidence this in their applications.
11.4 Soil testing: To review the images from the caretaker’s CAP testing.
11.5 Tanyard: to approve a budget for the purchase of a dumpy bag(s) of slate chippings for the Tanyard.
12. Public toilets
To review the quotations for deep cleaning and painting of the public toilets and to consider approval of a selected contractor.
13. Defibrillator
13.1 Installation at Southdown Bus Shelter: To note the donation of £500.00 from Go South West towards a defibrillator at Southdown Bus Shelter and to agree a budget for the supply, installation and ongoing maintenance fees.
13.2 Additional locations for defibrillators: Update on potential sites and feedback from local businesses.
14. Cycle parking
Subject to agreement of locations to consider the quotations from BikeAway for additional cycle lockers.
15. Millbrook Cemetery
15.1 Millbrook Cemetery – monuments and gravestones: To receive the Topple Testing report in Millbrook Cemetery and to agree next steps, which could include financial implications.
15.2 Burials / interment of cremated remains: To consider the request from one of Millbrook Parish Council’s contractors to cover the costs of digging a plot to inter their deceased family members cremated remains and for the contractor to only pay for the Exclusive Right of Burial fee (forgoing the costs of the burial interment fees)
16. Staff welfare
16.1 Workstation assessment recommendations: Following the assessment completed by Whole Body Osteopathy, to receive an update on office workstation expenditure and to approve the purchase of replacement office chairs. Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations as amended by the Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002.
16.2 Compassionate leave: To note the compassionate leave policy as adopted by the Staffing Committee during the meeting held on 24th October 2024.
17. Mount Edgcumbe Joint Committee
To receive the communication and to appoint a Parish Council representative.
18. Reports / updates from Parish Council working groups and Parish Councillor representatives from partnership organisations.
18.1 Christmas and Events: To review the notes from the meeting held on 21st October 2024.
18.2 Local business Roundtable meeting (hosted by Maker with Rame Parish Council)
Update from MPC attendees.
18.3 Millbrook Village Hall Management Committee – update from Cllr Lewis
18.4 Action for children: Youth project update from meeting attendees.
18.5 Rame Cluster Group: Update from Cllr Roberts
19. Correspondence and matters to note (for information only)
To receive a list for information purposes.
20. Future items for the agenda:
To raise matters for future consideration at full council, committee or working group meetings.
Notes on declarations of interest
Any Member arriving after the start of the meeting is asked to declare pecuniary interests, as necessary, as soon as practicable after their arrival, even if the item in question has been considered. National rules about pecuniary interests are set out in Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 2011 and in secondary legislation made under the Act, in particular The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012