Full Parish Council meeting


May 21st 2024


7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Part 1: In accordance with Standing Order 5, the business of the Annual Parish Council meeting shall include:

1. Chair of the Parish Council (Standing order 5e)

a.      To elect a Chair of the Parish Council for 2024-25

b.      To receive the Chair’s declaration of Acceptance of Office

 2. Vice Chair of the Parish Council (Standing order 5e)
a.      To elect a Vice Chair of the Parish Council for 2024-25
b.      To receive the Vice Chair’s declaration of Acceptance of Office
3. Chair’s welcome and announcements

4. Apologies for absence.

5. To receive declarations of gifts, declarations of interest relating to matters on the agenda, in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, and to consider any requests for dispensations.  (please refer to the notes at the end of agenda).
a. Declarations of interests
b. To consider members’ requests for dispensation
c. Declaration of gifts or hospitality with a value of over £50.00

6. Public forum and County Councillor report/update.

7. Approval of the minutes from previous meeting (Standing Order 5jii)

a. Minutes of the previous full Parish Council meeting: To approve the minutes of the Full Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 16th April 2024.
b. Annual Parish meeting: To receive the minutes of the Annual Parish meeting held on 11th May 2024 (to be formally approved at the Annual Parish meeting in 2025) and to receive an update on the Annual Community Engagement event.

8. Policies, procedures and terms of reference (Standing Order 5jv)
a.  Current policies and procedures and Terms of Reference for committees and working groups: To receive the Parish Clerk’s document detailing current dates reviewed.
b. Traffic & Transport Advisory Task Group: To review and approve the Terms of Reference.
c. Christmas and Events Task Group: To review and approve the Terms of Reference.
d. Code of Conduct: To accept the Code of Conduct
e. General privacy: To note the Council’s General Privacy notice. 
f. Health & Safety Policy: To review and approve the policy
g. Memorial Bench & Tree policy: To review and approve the policy.
h. Disciplinary policy: To review and approve the policy.
i.  Sickness and absence policy: To review and approve the policy.
j. Training policy: To review and approve the policy.
k. Election and Co-option of Councillor vacancies: To receive the documents from CALC & SLCC regarding filling Councillor vacancies. See attachments
10. Parish Council core documents (Standing order 5jxi)
a.    Standing Orders: To review Council’s Standing Orders and to consider approval of modifications.
b.    Financial Regulations: To review and consider approval of CALC’s new model  Financial Regulations
11. Review of arrangements (including legal agreements) with other local authorities, not-for-profit bodies and business (Standing Orders 5jx)
a. Use of Millbrook Tanyard: Kernow Lounge use of Millbrook Tanyard: To approve the continued use of the Tanyard as agreed in the Parish Council meeting held on 7th June 2022, Minute 173c.
b. Millbrook Football Club: Lease agreement to be reviewed.
c. Millbrook Lake Moorings Association: During the meeting held on 20th June 2023, Minute 34.2, it was agreed the Parish Council would not seek a new lease and support the MLMA in taking the new 25-year lease to commence in March 2025.
12. Review of representation on or work with external bodies and arrangements for reporting back:
12.1 Cornwall Gateway Community Area Partnership (CAP): To appoint a Parish Council
representative (next  meeting 6th June at Eliot Hall, St Germans).
12.2  Millbrook Lake Moorings Association: To appoint a Parish Council representative.
12.3 Millbrook Village Hall Management Committee: To appoint a Parish Council representative.
13. Inventory of land and other assets including buildings and office equipment (Standing Order 5jxiii).
To note the amendments of the Council’s Asset register following the Internal Audit review.
14. Insurance – Confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insurable risks (Standing Order 5jxiv)
To receive and approve the Council’s insurance proposal documents.
15. Subscriptions
To note the list of the Council’s and/or staff subscriptions to other bodies.
16. Future meetings (Standing Order 5jxvii)
To determine the time and place or ordinary meetings of the Council up to and including the next annual meeting of the Council.

Part 2: Business of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting

17. Finance
17.1. Council’s bank balance: To note the Council’s Unity Trust bank balances in the current accounts and savings accounts.
Instant Access (Precept) – £59,370
Instant Access (Skatepark) – £0.21 (£74,090 due 17/05/2024)
Current account £1,467.72
17.2 Council’s savings account balance: To note the balance in the Nationwide Building Society Account at the end of April 2024.
173 CCLA Investment Management Fund: To note the April 2024 statement detailing £50,000 in the Public Sector Deposit Fund.
17.4. Bank reconciliation: To note the bank reconciliation reports for April 2024.
17.5. Payroll service provider: To consider approval of the increase of payroll service fees of £2.50 per month from 1 Less Worry Payroll Services Ltd.
17.6 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Neighbourhood Payment
Planning Application PA22/02227: To note the payment of £1,782.63 received in respect of The Old Cooperage, Southdown Quay.
17.7. Telephone / Broadband: To review to the quotation from BT for fibre broadband and digital line and to consider delegating to the Parish Clerk, in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair, the responsibility of seeking alternative competitive quotations.
17.8. Monthly report: To receive the Parish Clerk’s report detailing expenditure and funds received for 2024-25 to date.
17.9 Submission of Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) – 2023/24
a. External Auditors: To confirm the appointment of BDO LLP and to pass a resolution confirming there are no conflicts of interests with BDO LLP.
b. Internal Auditor: To receive the Internal Auditor’s professional report and Annual Internal Audit report for 2023/24 (Page 3 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24 Form 3)
c. Annual Governance Statement 2023/24: To review and approve the Annual Governance Statement (Page 4 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return Form 3).  The document should be signed by the Chair of the meeting and Clerk.
d. Accounting Statements for 2023/24: To review and approve the Accounting Statements for 2024/25 (Page 5 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return / AGAR From 3) The document should be signed by the Chair of the meeting and Responsible Finance Officer.
e. Explanation of variance: To receive the explanation of variance report.
f. One-off events: To receive the document and note the supporting information relating to capital build project over £100k in the year to be submitted to the External Auditors.
g. Exercise of Public Rights: To agree the arrangements for the exercise of public rights.
 The dates have to be 30 working days and include the first ten working days in July, with the notice date being at least the day before commencement.  Clerk/RFO’s recommended dates, subject to approval of the AGAR,  3rd June 2024 to 12th July 2024.
17.10 Monthly payments: To note payments made since the last meeting and to approve the payments as presented by the Clerk, included in the list below, and any additional payments presented in the meeting, which can be submitted for approval at the discretion of the Chair. (Where applicable, amounts include V.A.T)
Note: where Councillors have declared an interest and vacated the meeting these payments  should be approved separately.
18. Youth Provision
18.1 Update on youth engagement consultation (TEAMs meeting held on 10th April 2024 with CC Kate Ewert and representatives from Action for Children).
18.2 Graffiti wall: Does the Council agree in principle the installation of a graffiti wall?
19. Traffic & Transport
19.1 Rame Peninsula Public Transport Users Group (RPPTUG) / campaign to for late buses: To agree to officially support RPPTUG’s campaign for late buses.
19.2 Quiet Lanes: Update from Cormac regarding the use of Quiet Lanes.
19.3 Road safety signage by Millbrook Cemetery: To review to correspondence from a parishioner and email response from Cornwall Highways Network Manager regarding informal signage directing pedestrians to use the footway by the cemetery.
20. Grant funding and community support initiatives
Guard Up Boxing CIC: To consider the grant funding request of £754 for Instructor training fees as detailed in their application.
21. Car park
To consider approval of the quotation, of £774.10, from Flowbird for the maintenance of the car park machine in West Street Car park.
22. Cemetery Management
22.1 Burial fees and Exclusive Right of Burial fees: To consider an amendment to the Cemetery Regulations 9.1 and 9.7, as recommended by the Internal Auditor, showing the burial fees are per person and the Exclusive Right of Burial Fees are per plot.
22.2 Permit fees for memorials: To review the Internal Auditors review relating to erected memorials on reserved plots and consider an amendment to the Cemetery regulations.
22.3 Interment of cremated remains: To consider issuing Exclusive Right of Burial deeds for cremated remains plots if a tablet is erected.
22.4 Burial registers: To note the actions detailed in the Internal Auditor’s report to include updating the Burial Registers with EROB reference numbers and a separate record of memorials.
23. Memorial bench
To consider approval of a memorial bench by the lakeside on New Road.
24. Use of Millbrook Lake
Torpoint and Millbrook Scout explorers: To consider the request to canoe in Millbrook lake during an evening. (date to be advised).
26. Future items for agenda: To raise matters for future consideration in full council, committee or working group meetings.