January 17th 2023
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of interest on any agenda item
3. Declaration of gifts
4. Dispensation – To consider any requests for dispensations relating to agenda items.
5. Public forum and County Councillor report / update
6. Matters arising from the previous meeting
Maker Heights designated noticeboard in the Tanyard. During the meeting held on 15th November 2022 the Council agreed, providing it was in keeping with the existing noticeboard, to allow a that a ‘Maker’ specific noticeboard to be constructed on the back of the existing noticeboard in the Tanyard. (Minute 103c). It has since been noticed that the suggested location is in front of a telegraph pole. Patchwork Studios have requested they install a noticeboard at the other end of the Tanyard (see images).
7. Chair’s Announcements
8. Clerk’s report / update
9. Approval of the minutes from previous meeting:
a. Minutes of the previous full Council meeting: To approve the minutes of the Full Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 17th November 2022.
b. Minutes of Finance Committee meeting: To approve the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on Wednesday 4th January 2023.
10. Finance
a Council’s bank balance: To note the Council’s Unity Trust bank balance (to be updated in the Council meeting).
b Council’s savings account balance: To note the balance in the Nationwide Building Society Account. (£50,376.79, including interest, as of 1st January 2023).
c. CCLA Investment Management Fund: To note the December statement detailing £50,000 in the Public Sector Deposit Fund.
d. Bank reconciliation: To note the bank reconciliation reports for (i) November 2022 and (ii) December 2022.
e. Finance report: To review the Clerk’s 2022-23 January Finance report.
g. Parish Council Office rental: To review the communication from the Chair of Millbrook Village Hall Management Committee and to consider the payment of office rental costs.
h. Website hosting and maintenance fee: To approve the increase of the monthly website and hosting and maintenance fee from £25.00 per month to £29.95 per month.
i. Recommendations from the Finance Committee meeting held on 4th January 2023
(i) Budget for 2023-24
To review and approve the proposed budget, including earmarked reserves, for 2023-24.
(ii) CIL Funding
To review the costs allocated against CIL funding.
(iii) Precept submission
To approve the recommended precept submission for 2023-24 of £117,740
(iv) Car park fees for residents with more than one vehicle
To consider providing one permit with up to three vehicle registration numbers on it, at no extra cost, for West Street resident car park permit holders.
(v) Internal auditor: To approve the appointment of Julie Snooks as the internal auditor.
Scale of audit charges (for 2022/23 accounting year) – based on fees payable on the higher of receipts/income or payments/expenditure in the previous year (or in the case of new audits, the budgeted figures for the year audited).
Up to: Annual Fee
£200,000 £475
£250,000 £580
2021-22 Accounts
Receipts = £164,552
Payments = £111,697
Therefore, internal audit costs = £425.00
(vi) Asset register: To review and approve the updated Council asset register.
(vii) Burial fees: To consider a 10% increase on Millbrook Parish Council’s burial fees.
j. Monthly payments: To note payments made since the last meeting and to approve the payments as presented by the Clerk, included in the list below and any additional payments presented in the meeting, which can be submitted for approval at the discretion of the Chair. (See lists – where applicable, amounts include V.A.T)
11. Traffic & Transport
Tamar Toll Action Group: To review the communication and presentation from Tamar Toll Action Group and to consider a proposal to support the aims of the group.
12. Millbrook Skatepark Project Group (an unincorporated community group)
Updates from Cllr Beadnall and the Parish Clerk
Email received from the treasurer of Millbrook Skatepark Project Group 16/01/2023
Funds raising to date:
This stands at £80,000 (Crowdfunder of £60k incl the PC pledge of £20k; Princes Countryside Fund of £15k; and £5k pre-raised locally)
Grants which the group are waiting to hear back from Cornwall Council CIL (applied for £30k) and
National Lottery Awards for All (applied for £10k)
A large grant application will be submitted to Cornwall Council Shared Prosperity Fund Community Levelling Up Programme. Deadline is 31-January and the amount they are applying for is £100,000.
Applications are being submitted to GWR and Samworth Brothers.
A presentation was submitted to Maker with Rame Parish Council which is being considered in MwR PC’s meeting on 30th January 2023.
13. Christmas and Events Task Group
a. Christmas and Events Working Group: To review the notes from the meeting held on 10th January 2023.
b. The coronation of His Majesty King Charles His Majesty King Charles III: To approve a budget for a community event to be held on 6th May 2023, costs to include room hire, refreshments and activities (see supporting information).
c. Lighting in the Tanyard: To approve the purchase of red, white and blue light bulbs for the Tanyard to commemorate the coronation.
14. Climate change and environment
a. Climate & Environment Action Working Group meeting: To review the notes from the meeting held on 6th December 2022.
b. Community pruning day: To consider the quotation from Enhanscapes to plan, promote and carry out an instructional community pruning day in January / February 2023.
c. Millbrook lake: To review the communication from Cornwall Council’s Public Space Officer regarding Millbrook Lake, Title Number CL55078 and to consider next steps.
d. Pledge for Nature: To consider joining Cornwall Council’s Pledge for Nature campaign.
15. Policies and procedures
Climate and Environment Action Working Terms of Reference: To review and approve the Climate and Environment Action Working Group Terms of Reference.
16. Public amenities
a. Playing field: To consider the quotation of £75.00 per cut from Enhanscapes for cutting the grass in the playing field.
b. Tennis courts: To consider the quotation(s) as presented for patchwork repairs in the tennis courts.
G A Giles
Patching To a combined area of up to and including 8.5m² Excavate to a depth not exceeding 80mm Dispose arisings from site to a licenced tip Supply, hand lay and consolidate 80mm of AC6 dense surface course For the sum of £960.00
Joint Filler Apply Watco Asphalt Crack Filler where required. For the sum of £385.00
12 month warranty. Lead time 2 – 3 weeks.
Other contractors approached.
17. Training & Development
Fixed Penalty training: To note the Council’s caretakers’ attendance of remote Fixed Penalty training through Cornwall Council by TEAMs on 12th January 2023,
18. Correspondence and matters to note
For information only, a list detailing correspondence received since the last meeting and up to the date of distributing the agenda for this meeting, is provided as an appendix to the agenda, and will be circulated with all supporting information. If any Councillor or member of public requires further details, please contact the Parish Clerk.
19. Future items for consideration: To put forward recommendations for future consideration
at the next Full Council / committee or working group meeting.
20. Closed session: To resolve that pursuant to section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and the Local Government Act 1972 S100 (2) the public and press be excluded from the meeting because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted and to consider the communication from Cornwall Council regarding Millbrook Business Park.