November 15th 2022
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Venue: Millbrook Village Hall
1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of interest on any agenda item3. Declaration of gifts
4. Dispensation – To consider any requests for dispensations relating to agenda items.
5. Public forum and County Councillor report / update
6. Matters arising from the previous meeting
a. Min 87, meeting held on 18th October 2022: On 1st November 2022, The Chair attended the Extraordinary Cornwall Gateway Community Network Panel Meeting. Millbrook Parish Council’s strong concerns over the proposed Community Area Partnership boundaries have been submitted to the Community Link Officer.
b. Min 91b, Complaints procedure: The complainant declined the offer of a meeting with the appointed delegated Councillors.
7. Chair’s Announcements
8. Clerk’s report / update
9. Approval of the minutes from previous meeting:
a. Minutes of the previous full Council meeting: To approve the minutes of the Full Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 18th October 2022.
10. Police Advocate Seminar – Road Safety
Does the Council agree to cover Cllr Wood’s travel expenses to attend the Council Advocate Seminar concerning road safety, to be held in Barnstaple on 7th December 2022?
11. Finance
a Council’s bank balance: To note the Council’s Unity Trust bank balance
b Council’s savings account balance: To note the balance in the Nationwide Building Society Account.
c. Public Sector Deposit fund: To note the £50,000 (fifty thousand pounds) in shares purchased from CCLA.
d. Finance report / review of emergency spend: To review the Clerk’s Finance report and approve an increase in the Clerk’s delegated emergency spend (Standing Order 31).
e. Bank reconciliation: To note the completion of the October 2022 bank reconciliation report.
f. External audit report: To note the external audit report received 23rd August 2022 and uploaded on the Parish Council website on 26th August 2022.
g. Internal control checks: To note the internal control checks, completed by the Chair and Vice Chair of the Parish Council, on 27th October 2022.
h. Finance Committee meeting held on 31st October 2022: To receive the notes from the meeting.
i. Precept submission: To consider a resolution to agree that Millbrook Parish Council apply to Cornwall Council requesting an extension until end of January 2022 (after the January Parish Council meeting) for the Council’s precept submission.
j. Staff pay: To note communication from Cornwall Association of Local Council relating to the terms of Local Government Association (LGA) agreement on the 2022-23 pay awards.
k. Direct Debit utility charge: To approve the Direct Debit increase for the public toilet electric usage to £60.00 per month.
l. Zoom subscription: To approve the discontinuation of the Zoom subscription from April 2022 and the use of either TEAMS or the use of Zoom free package.
m. Monthly payments: To note payments made since the last meeting and to approve the payments as presented by the Clerk.
n. Payments for December 2022
Due to there being no scheduled Full Parish Council meeting for December 2022, the Clerk is seeking approval to make payments to the Council’s contractors and suppliers. Payments would be processed following consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair and made and a list will be included on the agenda for January’s Parish Council meeting.
12. Grant / donations and community initiatives
a. Millbrook Preschool: To consider the funding request of £274.50 to cover the costs of room hire for a Preschool’s Christmas Market event, to be held on 3rd December 2022, in various community venues in the parish.
b. Village defibrillators: To review the recommendation from South West Ambulance Service Foundation Trust (SWASFT) and to consider the installation of additional village defibrillators and agree associated costs.
c. Maker Heights publicity: To review the communication from Patchwork Studios and to consider the approval of ‘Maker specific’ noticeboards within Millbrook and to recommend specific sites.
13. Village maintenance
Dog Warden Enforcement: To consider the costs from Torpoint Town Council for a Service Level Agreement covering the costs of a dog warden service.
Proposal from Torpoint Town Council’s Town Clerk: 3 hours per week enforcing, in one shift at a charge of £75.00 + V.AT. This covers the hourly rate, van usage, staff travel time, qualified enforcement officer and personal body camera.
14. Traffic & Transport
a. Parking enforcement: To review the costs and consider a budget for the 2023-24 Service Level Agreement with Cornwall Council for parking enforcement.
See report from the Parish Clerk
Notification received from Cornwall Council “We are emailing to give you an update on Changes being made to the SLA pricing structure for the new financial year. We thought it was a good idea to give you plenty of notice so this could be considered in line with any potential renewals and budget meetings.
Should you wish to renew with us, charges for the Millbrook SLA from 1st April 2023 would be as follows:
Mon-Sat- £40/Hr
Sunday- £50/Hr
Bank Holidays- £60/Hr
This was not an easy decision for our team to make, however with increasing costs to run the Civil parking Enforcement service, it was necessary to review our charges for the first time. We hope these changes will ensure our team can continue to provide a high quality service for the communities of Cornwall.
b. West Street car park: Does the Council agree in principle to consult with Cornwall Council regarding a potential increase in car park spaces in West Street Car Park and a variation in the lease agreement? See recent consultation and communication from Cornwall Council
15. Christmas and Events Task Group
a. Meeting notes: To receive the notes from the Christmas & Events Task Group meeting held on Monday 7th November 2022.
b. Co-option of new member: To note the Co-option of Kirstie Bristow onto the group.
16. Millbrook Skatepark Project Group (an unincorporated community group)
Updates from Cllr Beadnall and the Parish Clerk
17. Policies and procedures
a. Code of Conduct: To note the Code of Conduct 2021 and to pass a resolution that Code of Conduct training will be taking within six months of a Parish Councillor taking office and then refresher training every two years if practicable or as required by the Monitoring Officer. This training can be held virtually.
b. Expense policy: To approve the CALC model expenses policy (replacing the current policy)
18. Asset & Open Spaces maintenance
a. Millbrook Tanyard disabled access: To consider the quotation from Enhanscapes to create a concrete accessibility ramp in the Tanyard.
b. Millbrook Tanyard – paving circle: To review a revised budget for the installation of a paving circle in the Tanyard (Minute 73, 21/09/2021 a budget of £300 was agreed but the works have not been completed).
c. Insect / bug hotels: To consider an increased budget for the extra costs of materials for the creation of the two insect hotels. During the Parish Council meeting held on 27th September 2022 a budget of £300 was agreed – Minute 66b(i). (Please refer to the quotation from Richards Builders Merchants)
d. Grass cutting maintenance – Hounster Drive / St Andrews Street: Does the Council wish to take on the responsibility of the maintenance of the crescent of unregistered land at the junction of Hounster Drive with St Andrews Street.
e. Emergency tree works: Update on emergency tree works on pollarding the Willow Tree near the tractor park completed under Standing Order 30 ‘Urgent Business’
f. Asset & Open Spaces Task Group:
(i) Meeting held on 1st November 2022: To receive the notes from the Asset & Open Task Group meeting held on 1st November 2022 and to consider the recommendations as detailed below:
(ii) Tree planting: To agree a budget of £400 for this financial year and a budget of £400 for 2023-24 for tree planning.
(iii) Interpretation board – wasps, bees and hornets: To agree a budget for the design, production and delivery of insect interpretation boards from Shelley Signs.
(iv) Interpretation board – a map of Millbrook / heritage: To agree a budget for the design, production and delivery of a heritage trail interpretation board for Millbrook Tanyard.
(vi) Seat in the dog walking field: To agree a budget for the supply and installation of a recycled material bench, from Glasdon UK, to be installed in the dog walking field.
(vii) Village maintenance – Millbrook War memorial: To consider the quotations from Dale Blacker to repoint the patio slabs by Millbrook War memorial
(viii) Village maintenance – Millbrook Tanyard Wall: To consider the quotation from Dale Blackler to repair the Tanyard Wall.
(ix) Millbrook Tanyard roof: To review the suggestions for a roof in Millbrook Tanyard and to consider the quotations for a structural survey of the Tanyard roof.
(x) Millbrook Tractor Park – roundabout: To review the quotations from play park equipment suppliers, supporting reports with images and supplier feedback and to consider the recommendations from the Parish Clerk and Admin Support Officer.
Summary sheet of quotations received
19. Correspondence and matters to note
For information only, a list detailing correspondence received since the last meeting and up to the date of distributing the agenda for this meeting, is provided as an appendix to the agenda, and will be circulated with all supporting information. If any Councillor or member of public requires further details, please contact the Parish Clerk.
20. Future items for consideration: To put forward recommendations for future consideration
at Full Council / committee or working group meetings