January 18th 2022
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of interest on any agenda item
3. Declaration of gifts
4. Dispensation – To consider any requests for dispensations relating to agenda items.
5. Public forum and County Councillor report / update
6. Chair’s announcements
7. To note the Clerk’s report
8. Matters arising from the previous meeting
105a Rame Green Guide:
Please see supporting document detailing correspondence received from Millbrook Parishioners. As approved, the Clerk purchased additional copies of the Rame Green Guide. Copies have been distributed to key locations amongst the parish.
The request for additional expenditure cannot be discussed during this meeting but subject to Standing Order 8, may be included on the agenda for a future meeting for consideration.
109 Completion of forms required for Councillors not using official designated email addresses outstanding.
9. Approval of minutes from previous meetings
a. To approve the minutes of the full parish council meeting held on 16th November 2021
b. To approve the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on 18th November 2021.
c. To approve the minutes of the Staffing Committee meeting held on 9th January 2022.
10. Finance
(i) To note the Council’s bank balance.
Unity Trust – £185,422.75
Nationwide Building Society = £50,000
(ii) To consider the draft proposal and approve the budget, as recommended by the Finance Committee,
for 2022-23. Please see circulated report.
(iii) To note the communication from Cornwall Council regarding the precept submission extension and to approve
the precept submission to Cornwall Council. See report to include the Band D Tax calculations and year on
year comparison.
11. To agree the purchase of one replacement and one spare flag
Recommendation: Union Jack / Union Flag, size 90mm x 180mm, woven, with fixing toggle and line, and anti-fraying price £75.50 each from Flying Colours.
12. Climate Change, Environment & Sustainability
Report / update from Cllr Mattholie on EV Charging.
13. Traffic & Transport – Hounster Hill Feasibility Study
Update on the Hounster Hill Feasbility Study and to consider approval of additional cost of £2,631.05 for traffic and camera surverys. (see supporting information).
14. Policies, procedures and Staff Recruitment
a. Website security:
To consider approving upgrading the website security plugin to the premium version, at a cost of £95.00 per annum. See correspondence from SeadogIT.
b. Void – numbering out of sync.
c. Staffing committee Terms of Reference:
d. Training policy
e. Council Grievance policy
To approve the NALC Model Grievance policy, as recommended by the Staffing Committee during the meeting held on 6th January 2022.
f. Disciplinary policy:
To approve the NALC Model Disciplinary policy, as recommended by the Staffing Committee during the meeting held on 6th January 2022.
g. Sickness policy:
To approve the NALC Model Sickness policy, as recommended by the Staffing Committee during the meeting held on 6th January 2022.
Note: The Staffing Committee also reviewed the Lone Worker & Health & Safety policies– these will be included on the agenda for the February Full Council meeting, along with the adoption of a Council Retention policy
h. To approve the recommendations of the Staffing Committee for the recruitment of a caretaker and Admin Support Officer.
(i) The job specification and advertisement for the position of Caretaker.
(ii) The job specification and advertisement for the position of Admin Support Officer.
- Admin Support Officer job advertisement
- Admin Support Officer job specification
- Admin Support Office application form