Full Council meeting


February 15th 2022


7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

1.   Apologies for absence

2.   Declarations of interest on any agenda item

3.   Declaration of gifts

4.   Dispensation

To consider any requests for dispensations relating to agenda items.

5.   Public forum and County Councillor report / update  

6.   Chair’s announcements

7.   To note the Clerk’s report

8.   Matters arising from the previous meeting

9.   Approval of minutes from previous meetings

To approve the minutes of the full parish council meeting held on 18th January 2022

10. Finance

a. To note the Council’s bank balance –

as at 10/02/2022:
Unity Trust – £176,731
Nationwide – £ 50,000

b. To review the Clerk’s finance report.
c. To agree the continuation of the payroll service provider, 1 Less Worry and the increase from £25.00 to £30.00 per month once new staff are recruited.
d. To approve the appointment of the internal auditor, Julie Snooks, as recommended during the Finance Committee meeting held on 18th November 2021.e. To note payments made since the last meeting and to approve the payments as presented by the Clerk.

11. Grants, donations and community support

a.        St Columba Rugby: To consider the funding request of £1,000 from St Columba Rugby Ltd for replacement of post protectors, corner posts and flags.



b.   Harfest: To formally approve the request from The Family Foraging Kitchen to host the  Harfest Event on 24th September 2022.

Harfest is a long standing local community event that celebrates the change in season, the harvest and of the artists, musicians and craftspeople and makers in our community. We have vegetable contests, local produce, a makers market, local musicians playing music, local circle dancing etc. We also offer the space for local charities, community groups and social enterprise to showcase their services on the peninsula.

Visitors can take part in activities such as head dress making with children- making eco
bricks with single use plastics and yoga, for example.

We do not hire any concessions; we do not pay anyone to come in to do things on
site. This is a voluntary community event, governed by a voluntary committee. The event has always been held on the square field called the Playing Fields (governed by Millbrook Parish Council). We therefore request your approval for the festival to recommence in 2022.

Once we have consent – we can then begin the journey of applying for and securing all permissions and insurances – which then again, get sent to the parish council for further approval.

c.  Rame Responders: To consider the funding towards the Rame Responders operational  vehicle running costs (see supporting document)

d.   Christmas / Events Committee / Working Group: Does the Council wish to form a Christmas / Events committee or working group? (see NALC legal topic LTN1)

e.    Queen’s Platinum Jubilee: To approve a budget for the Village Enhancement Team to create a commemorative garden space by the Royal Oak.

12. Traffic & Transport

a.   To review the notes from the Traffic & Transport Advisory Task Group meeting held on 7th February 2022.

b.   To approve the Traffic & Transport Advisory Group Terms of Reference as recommended at that meeting.

c.   To approve the recommendation to co-opt Mr Jim Woffenden onto the Traffic & Transport Advisory Task Group.

d.   To approve the submission of expressions of interest to the to the Cornwall Gateway Community Network Panel for the 2022/23 highway improvement scheme funding

e.   To approve a community initiative working with Millbrook Primary School, highlighting the issues caused by
drivers leaving engines running whilst vehicles are stationary and to agree a budget for publicity / signage.

https://millbrook-pc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/AI12e-To-off-your-engine-whilst- stationary-signage-.pdf

f.      To approve the Traffic & Transport Advisory Task Group’s priorities for addressing traffic issues in the parish.

13. Asset & Open Spaces Task Group

a.   To approve the recommended licence agreement for use of Council land.

b.  To consider recommendations regarding the grass cutting tender applications.

c.  To consider the group’s recommendations regarding the restoration of the bier.


d.  To consider the purchase of street furniture to commemorate the Queen’s Jubilee

https://millbrook-pc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/AI13d-Purchase-of-street-furniture- to-commemorate-the-Queens-Platinum-Jubilee.pdf

14. Climate Change, Environment & Sustainability

 EV Charging: To note the grant offer letter for the On-Street Residential Chargepoint

Scheme (ORCS) from Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV)

(i) To consider accepting the offer

(ii) To agree locations

(iii) To agree, in principle, whether the Council will contribute 25% of the costs


15. Policies and procedures

a.  Lone Worker policy: To approve the Lone Worker policy, as recommended by the Staffing Committee during the meeting held on 6th January 2022.

b.  Health & Safety policy: To approve the Health & Safety policy, as recommended by the Staffing Committee during the meeting held on 6th January 2022

c. GDPR / Use of personal emails: To note the presentation from SLCC and to pass a resolution that all councillors acknowledge:

(i) The changes to the Joint Practitioners Guide, which include a section on the importance of  smaller authorities using secure e-mail systems and gov.uk addresses.

(ii) No confidential documents are to be downloaded onto personal devices and the Clerk is  given the authority to allow access to councillors using personal email addresses to view  documents on the Council’s shared Googledrive.

(iii) Councillors using personal email addresses give the Clerk the authority to provide current  and new councillors with their designated email address and that by using personal email   addresses those councillors accept the risk that they may be asked to provide copies of   emails sent by me to or received by me from this address under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, General Data Protection Regulations 2018 and the Environmental Information  Regulations 2004. (See Annual Parish Council meeting, 21/05/2021, Minute 21 iv)

16. Millbrook Lake Moorings Association: Update from Cllr Taggart

https://millbrook-pc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/AI16-MLMA-proposed-work-for-  2023.pdf   

17. Correspondence and matters to note