Full Council Meeting


June 28th 2022


7:30 pm - 9:30 pm


Millbrook Parish Council Annual Parish Council meeting

Tuesday 28th June  2022 at 7:30pm

Venue: The main hall in Millbrook Village Hall


1.         Apologies for absence

2.         Declarations of interest

Councillors declarations of interest on any agenda item

3.         Declaration of gifts

4.         Dispensation

To consider any requests for dispensations relating to agenda items.

5.         Public forum and County Councillor report / update

Report from Cornwall Councillor Kate Ewert – May 2022

6.         Chair’s Announcements

7.         Minutes of the previous meeting

To approve the minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on 24th May 2022 (section 1) and the ordinary full Parish Council meeting held on 24th May 2022 (section 2)

8.        Finance

a. Council’s bank balance

To note the Council’s bank balance

b Finance report:

To review the Clerk’s Finance report.

c. Bank reconciliation:

To note the completion of the bank reconciliation reports.


d. Monthly payments:

To note payments made since the last meeting and to approve the payments as presented by the Clerk.

e. Telephone & broadband:

To review the telephone / broadband quotations and consider moving to Talktalk.

9.         Policies and procedures

a. Statement of Internal Control:

To review and approve the policy.

b. Environment and Climate Change:

To review and approve the policy.

c. Equal Opportunities:

To review and approve the policy

10.      Grants, donations, and community support

a. Rame Community Fund

To consider the request to use the Parish Council office for official communication for the Rame Commuinity Fund charitable organisation.

b. Rame Peninsula Male Voice Choir:

(i) To consider the request from Rame Peninsula Male Voice Choir to host a summer concert at the Tanyard on 23rd July (ii) If supported, to agree measures to address the organisation’s pedestrian safety concerns.

c. Millbrook Skatepark Project:

(i) To consider the request to host a Summer Skate Jam on 23rd July 2022 (ii) If Council agree to approve the event to consider approval of the grant funding application of £374.00 towards the event and the group’s public liability insurance.

d. Parish Council Community consultation / Council workshop meeting:

(i) Does the Council wish to host an open surgery / community consultation event (ii) Does the Council wish to meet in for an informal forward planning / workhop meeting?

11.    Water bottle refill station

To consider the recommendation from Cllr S Woffenden
(i). Does the Council wish to install a water bottle refill station in Millbrook village?
(ii) If yes to above, does the Council choose to have a) a wall mounted one on the public toilet as per the quote we have from MIW or b) a free standing one in the
Tanyard (see supporting information with costs from Cllr S Woffenden)
(iii) Should the Council wish to proceed with MIW what colour would the Council prefer?

12.     Open Spaces & Public Amenities

a. Play park (Tractor Park)

(i) To consider the request from the Sally Turner for a payment to cover additional costs
for works on the tractor refurbishment..
(ii) To consider the proposal from Sally Turner for additional works required on the tractor
(iii) To consider the quotations for supply and installation of replacement timber frames for
basket net and junior swings
(iv) To consider the quotation(s) to clean the play park equipment.

b. Tennis courts

To consider the quotations to repair the fencing surrounding the tennis courts

c. Goal posts:

To consider the quotations to supply and install new goal posts in the playing fields and to provide barriers behind the goal posts.

d. Tree works

Update on the removal of the willow by Millbrook Lake. Actioned under Clerk’s delegated authority.

e. Japanese Knotweed

To note the contractors cost for treating Japanese Knotweed and to agree a budget for additional treatments during the year. (See note from the Clerk)

13.     Climate & Environment

a. EV Charging:

Update from Cllr Mattholie and to agree charging tariffs.

b. Cornwall Climate Action Group communication:

(i) Does the Council agree to become a member of the Cornwall Climate Action Group.
(ii) Does the Council wish to form a Climate Action Working Group?

14.     Office equipment

To consider approval to purchase scales for the counting of cash takings.


15.     Maintenance

Equipment: To consider approval for the purchase a drill for council maintenance works.


16.     Correspondence and matters to note

For information only, a list detailing correspondence received since the last meeting and up to the date of distributing the agenda for this meeting, is provided as an appendix to the agenda, and will be circulated with all supporting information.
If any Councillor or member of public requires further details, please contact the Parish Clerk
