Annual Parish Council Meeting


May 18th 2021


7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Agenda item 6CCornwall Council Code of Conduct for Local Councils
Agenda item 8Purchase of a picnic bench to be situated in the Tanyard
Agenda item 9 – The Clerk has obtained a quotation from a new contractor for painting / refurbishment of the tractor in the play park.  A quotation of £1,024 for labour and materials has been received.  Another contractor was approached to see if he wanted to quote but declined.  A contractor application form has been complied, references have been obtained and the contractor has supplied a risk assessed.
Agenda item 12(i) Draft minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on 29th April 2021
Agenda item 18 – Three insurance Companies have been contacted:
– Came & Company – the Council’s current insurance provider.
– BHIB Insurance
– Zurich insurance – no response.
The Clerk, in consultation with the Chair & Vice Chair, has reviewed the  proposals
BHIB Insurance have offering best value in terms of price, cover and free subscription to Parish Online – Parish Online – Digital Mapping software for Town, Community and Parish Councils (
BHIB can have offered the opportunity of training for risk and data protection.
Recommendation: the Council accepts the proposal from BHIB Insurance – £1,116.88
Agenda item 19 – Contractors have been approached.  Councillor’s have been supplied with a quotation, to included for the refurbishment of the tractor in the play park.  The contractor has provided a references and a risk assessment.
Agenda item 20MPC Complaints policy (adopted November 2017)
Agenda item 21 – To note Council’s policies, procedures and practices in respect of its obligations under the freedom of information and data protection legislation.
(i) Publication Scheme & Freedom of information policy reviewed September 2020
(ii) Councillors should confirm they have read the privacy notice on the Council’s website.
(iii) The Council’s Data Protection Certificate is available on our website
(vi) Emails – The Joint practitioners’ advisory group | Practitioners’ Guide 2021 Changes:
P61, 5.169. New section on e-mails, use of personal email addresses “The addition of a section on the importance of smaller authorities using secure e-mail systems and addresses re-inforcing last year’s letter from the Chair of JPAG encouraging every authority to have its own e-mail address which is owned by the authority rather than relying on the use of personal e-mail addresses that can change regularly. This will reduce the risk of correspondence going astray or being delayed.”
Agenda item 22 – MPC Media Policy