Correspondence from Cormac Environment
Cormac cuts the highway verges in the lake-side area, visiting up to seven times a year.
During the early summer, when there are wildflowers blooming among the grass, we try to leave areas until the flowers have set seed later in the season. This provides vital habitat and forage for pollinators and other wildlife. We continue to cut areas for safety reasons, to maintain visibility for road users, working closely with colleagues in Cornwall Highways. This approach enhances the natural environment and contributes towards Cornwall Council’s efforts against the Climate Emergency and towards its Pollinator Action Plan and Environmental Growth Strategy. If you have any queries regarding the management of these verges, please contact
To report an issue with a hedge or verge alongside a road please use the online forms Report something – Cornwall Council
For further information on Cornwall Council’s policies, please see the webpages below:
Kind regards
Cormac | Environment | Tel: 0300 1234 222
Western Group Centre, Radnor Road, Scorrier, TR16 5EH