March 16th 2021
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Supporting information
245. Public forum and County Councillor report
246. Apologies for absence
247. Declarations of interests, gifts, and dispensations
248. Approval of minutes from previous meetings – To approve the minutes of the full parish council meeting held on 16th February 2021.
249. Chair’s announcements
250. Councillor Advocate Scheme – update from Cllr Wood
251. Clerk’s report – for information only
252. Matters arising from the previous meeting
240a – Cllr Taggart would like to be part of the Asset & Open / Green Spaces Task Group.
240d – Tree Survey quotations being sought.
240e&240f – Skatepark. Tree planting still to be investigated. Jump box ramp to be filled with insulation foam and sand.
Agenda item 253
Traffic & Transport
253a. To review the notes from the Traffic & Transport Advisory Task Group meeting held by Zoom on 15th March 2021 (see circulated notes). For information.
253b. To agree the actions relating to size restrictions of vehicles coming into Millbrook and the Rame Peninsula.
253c. To approve the Traffic & Transport Advisory Task Group’s recommendation not to pursue any further action relating a build out at Blindwell Hill.
Agenda item 254.
Staffing Committee
254a. To approve the staffing committee minutes for the meeting held on Monday 8th March 2021.
254b. To approve the staffing committee’s Terms of Reference.
254c.` To approve the staffing committee’s recommendation to outsource the Council’s payroll to One Less Worry – see Clerk’s report circulated for the meeting held on 19th February 2021
Agenda item 255.
255a. To note / approve the payments as circulated by the Clerk
255b. To note the Council’s bank balance.
255c. To review the clerk’s finance report.
Agenda item 256.
Asset & Open / Green Spaces Task Group
256a. Update from Cllr Lewis
256b. Review of council street furniture
256c. Play park and skatepark annual safety inspection. To note the costs and agree the
additional appointment fee of £42, if required, for the Clerk or a Councillor to meet the inspector on site.
Agenda item 257.
Town & Parish 2021 Elections: Key dates
22/03/2021 – Public notice of elections. The notice will be displayed on the website and parish noticeboards. A candidate pack will be available on Cornwall Council website to download.
08/04/2021 – Closing date for submission of candidate forms. Deadline for withdrawing from the election. Note: current guidelines are the packs will be required to be delivered by the candidate or a representative. There may be an option for virtual checking.
09/04/2021 – Publication of persons nominated.
27/04/2021 – Publication of the notice of poll.
06/05/2021 – Election day
10/05/2021 – New members take office. Annual meeting of the Council needs to be called, which must take place no later than 24th May 2021. All members need to have completed their Declaration of Office.
04/06/2021 – Closing date for declaring election expenses (must be completed even if nil)
07/06/2021 – Deadline for completion of Register of Interests.
Agenda item 258.
Correspondence and matters to note.
Great Western Railway update: “Following the Prime Minister’s confirmation this afternoon that all schools and colleges will return on Monday 8 March, I wanted to reassure you all our key school and college services will be operating.”
Santander debit card fraud
Broken bin in West Street car park
Santander fraud
NatWest mobile bank
Weed clearance in the tennis courts.
Anti-social behaviour, litter and graffiti by the bus shelter
Request to impose a size restriction that would restrict the excessive length of the lorries that pass through the top of West Street / Hounster Hill (known as ‘The Narrows’).
Letter from Police Gold Commander, Assistant Chief Constable Glen Mayhew –
G7 Leaders Summit to be held in Cornwall:
AONB Monument Survey
St John Parish Council – traffic in Military Road
Multihull Marine traffic management measures
Surface water in St John’s Road
The Hawthorn’s development compliance
Cornwall Council Localism workshops
CALC / SLCC / NALC news and updates
Millbrook Village Hall Committee minutes
Request to open up the car park where the boulders are situated in Greenland car park.
Request to reinstate the lines to stop people parking in the disabled area of Greenland car park.
To ensure there is no residual of food for the rats could the birds be fed at the far end of the lake, not on the grassed area near the doctor’s surgery.
Agenda item 259
Date of next meeting